Page 76 of Finding Home

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Bobby notices me first, and smacking Jim on the back of the head as he moves toward me, he stops and cups my face gently. “You look beautiful, babe.”

“Hm, thanks.”

“I missed you.”

I snicker. Big bad Bobby Kincaid is a big ol’ teddy bear who likes hugs. I lean forward and press my lips to his. I don’t care who’s watching anymore. New rule: no more uncertainty, screw the rest.

Eventually, he looks down at my loaded arms and raises a brow in question. With my own lifted brow, I give him the ‘watch this shit’ eyes and turn back to my not-discreet audience. I hold each article up one at a time. “Who owns these socks?”

Hand raised, Jack rumbles with a full mouth. “Mine.”

So I throw them at him.

I hold up the towels. “These?”

“Mine…” he answers again.

I ball them and throw them at his head.

“These?” I hold up a pair of shoes, but don’t need an answer because Jack’s face says it all. I throw them, and luckily for him, I aim lower than his head.

“Alright, who owns this?” I hold up the shirt, and this time, Jimmy clears his throat.

“Ah, that’s mine… And the red shoes, too.”

Bobby laughs at his brother’s shameful face, and since I’m not about favorites in this house, I throw the shoes toward his legs, and while he’s distracted with those, I peg the balled-up shirt at his head. “Pick your shit up, guys. This princess ain’t your maid.”

Laughing, Bobby presses a proud kiss to my lips and leads me to a spare chair at the table. He drops a fresh mug of coffee beside my elbow, then slumps into the chair on my left.

Casey sits to my right, and as soon as Bobby and the guys start talking, she knocks her shoulder into mine discreetly. I turn to her stupid grin. “Did you have a nice night?”

My lips curve. I simply nod.

She drops a kiss on the ball of my shoulder. “Good. You deserve it.”

She sits back comfortably and watches our guests for a few minutes, and when she’s comfortable no one is paying us attention, bumps her elbow into mine a second time. She silently lifts both hands, holds them in front of her, and asking about Bobby’s size, she opens her hands until I tell her to stop. I choke on my coffee.

Bobby taps my back to clear the coffee from my windpipe. “You okay, babe?”

I ignore him and slap her leg. “Casey!”Not telling!My eyes narrow as Jon watches her with a smirk. “Why are you here, anyway? Did you spend the night?” I turn to Jon with a glare. Did he spend the night, too?

He lifts his hands in surrender. “Calm down, mama bear. I just got here. I swear.”

I look back to Casey.

“I got here half an hour ago. I was looking for you. I wanted pancakes and girl time. Looks like you had other plans.” She grins at Bobby. “I get one weekend off a decade, and you dumped me for a man. I see how it is, bimbo.”

I roll my eyes.

“But Kolby’s staying tonight, right? I’ll come back then.” She smirks. “We can hang out.”

Jimmy glares suspiciously. “Who the hell is Kolby?”

Aw. He can be jealous, too. That’s cute. “He’s my… special friend,” I tease.

His narrowed eyes flick between mine and Casey’s. She nods casually. “I love Kolby, so I figured I’d come over and… hang out, too.”

“Hold up! You guys don’t get‘special friends’anymore. That ship sailed the day you started seeing my brothers.”
