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Was this my punishment for being proud of my career?

As if waiting for me to sift through my thoughts, Daniel remained silent. He knew me well enough to recognize when I was in my own head.

“Do you know Riley Peters?” he finally asked.

All the hair on the back of my neck stood up. “Yeah. That’s Alma’s boyfriend.”

That jerk was obnoxious. He had the nerve to call me whenever the mood struck him. But he’d been awfully quiet lately.

I furrowed my brow. “She said she wasn’t seeing him anymore.”

“Maybe he did this for her to win her back,” Daniel suggested stoically. “Did you know he served time for assault?”

“No. That must have been buried deep.” I’d checked him out, but not thoroughly. I didn't want to know what he and Alma were doing. At least, I thought I didn’t. “Who was driving the truck?”

My brain was whirling in a thousand directions.

“A legitimate contractor hauling a load to Southampton . . . who knew Peters from their short stint in jail together.”

I banged my fist on the table. “Where is he?”

“The truck was found wrecked about twenty miles away from the scene on a secluded road near the delivery address. The driver was dead.”

I burrowed my brow. “Did Peters kill him?”

“Don’t know, but I’d say likely.”

I snarled. “The only reason he was of any use alive was to testify against Alma and Peters.” Other than that, I couldn’t say I was sorry he was gone.

“I can’t say I disagree.”

“I want answers from Peters. Why would he get involved in a scheme like this?”

“Donato will have him shortly.”

That bastard had thrown a cinder block at Penelope. He’d nearly killed her.

I wanted him dead.

I wanted Alma dead.

And I couldn’t find it in me to feel one ounce of regret for it.

“This is sick.” JoJo paled at the new information.

I couldn’t agree more. My relationship with Alma should’ve been unraveling. Instead, it was becoming more twisted with every passing day.

I should’ve known when she’d served the divorce papers she wouldn’t make it easy. Why would she? Nothing with her was ever easy.

I planned to prosecute her and that bastard to the fullest . . . except that wasn’t my usual side of the law. Hopefully my father would help. Maybe it would heal some of the rift between us.

More than likely, he’d use the opportunity as anI told you somoment.

My parents still didn’t know about Penelope. I didn’t speak to them often. I’d been so consumed with my new life, I hadn’t had the chance.

If I were in their position, would I want to know I had a granddaughter?

The answer was an unequivocal yes.
