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All humor died from my tone. “What?”

“She says you did it.”



She won’t stop.

She just won’t stop.

At least the move to Savannah House had gone smoothly. Patrick had gotten three independent doctors to verify Kane was in no condition to be brought in for questioning.

This should’ve been a nice evening, nice being a relative word. We were all back together. That was a reason to celebrate.

In typical Alma fashion, she’d ruined that.

NYPD had been waiting for us when we arrived at Savannah House. The doctors had upped Kane’s meds for transport to mitigate the pain, but I was pretty sure he was pretending to be out.

Dr. Ellis had not so politely informed them that they could not interfere with the treatment of his patient.

Eventually, they’d gone away.

We’d finally settled in.

“I can’t believe she’d do this.” His mother worried her hands in her lap.

She and her husband had stationed their chairs between Penelope and Kane so they could watch both of them.

Kane actually was asleep now. He looked at peace . . . less stressed.

And my baby girl . . . I wanted her to wake so badly.

I hoped we’d have this nightmare behind us by then so she wouldn’t have to see all this ugliness.

“I’ve got enough evidence to fry her for Penelope. And I’m searching for camera footage at the docks.” Patrick snarled. “I have an independent doctor examining Alma as we speak. If we get lucky, we’ll find proof that there’s no way Kane did that to her.”

“Hedidn’tdo it.” I spoke quietly.

With every passing minute, I understood why Kane had wanted to operate outside the parameters of the justice system when it came to dealing with Alma. He’d seen the good and the bad.

Innocent people were sometimes victims.

They had no right to do this to Kane. Not after everything we’d been through the past few weeks.

The police weren’t being objective. They were bordering on belligerent.

But some of them probably hated Kane. After all, his job was to tear to shreds the evidence they collected. And he was very good at that.

This was an excellent opportunity for revenge.

I wanted to shield Kane from all of it, and I was grateful Patrick was fighting battles I couldn’t begin to know how to deal with.


All our attention jerked to the doorway. Marlow was there with the two kids in tow.

Blake ran toward Patrick. “Daddy!”
