Page 155 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“HOWWW!” Ella mirrored, longer and louder, refusing to be outdone.

“She started this afternoon. I hope that’s not her first word,” Marlow said.

“I hope they haven’t been shouting at each other all day,” I said.

“Dad and Mrs. Quinn ran out for earplugs.” She pulled a pair from her pants pocket.

I flushed with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry—”

“Best day we’ve had in a long time,” Mr. Dixon said with a wink. He and Marlow had been keeping Ella frequently since we’d moved in with Andrew.

“Like hell it was,” Patrick said. “And those earplugs don’t work worth a damn.” He pulled his out of his ears.

“Now that you can hear, Trish and I have some news.” The mostly quiet room stopped, and Patrick gave me a slight nod as Andrew pulled me closer. “You want to tell them?”

He’d been like that from the start, so careful to give me a choice in all things. I touched his cheek, warmed all over that we’d worked things out.

“My marriage is dissolved,” I said, a rush of relief coursing through me.

“When?” Sonya demanded.

“We got the news Friday. Turns out I know some pretty good attorneys.”

Patrick winked at me, and I returned the gesture.

“I hope that scum rots in prison,” she said, stamping her foot.

“He’s been moved to a maximum-security facility. He’ll get his trial, but he’s not going anywhere. Not after what he did and all the witnesses.” Andrew’s jaw tightened as he spoke. He and Patrick had worked round the clock to make sure Huxley didn’t get out this time.

“I still can’t believe his sister and that other cop were in on it,” Vivian said.

“They’ll pay the price too.” Timothy’s voice was harsh. He still struggled that he’d put me on Huxley’s radar by introducing me to Allegra. From the hospital, he’d made sure that the two of them were charged as accomplices. Two weeks later, both remained in jail, held without bond.

“Trish, when are you going to open a restaurant in a permanent spot?” Drew asked.

I glanced at Andrew. “I’m looking. The perfect place will come along.”

“What will you do with the food truck?” Cricket appeared almost frantic.

“Keep it. I can’t give up Delores.”

She nearly sagged in relief, which I didn’t understand. Maybe she thought if she didn’t work in the truck she’d be kicked out of Paths. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Marlow cleared her throat. “I could help out with that.”

“Me too,” Mr. Dixon volunteered.

“Me, three,” Drew said. Sonya elbowed him in the ribs. “What now?”

“We’re having twins. You can’t work for Trish. We have our own store.”

“Trish. Muriella. This food is amazing, as always.” Daniel held up a mini-quiche, ever the diplomat.

“That’s not going to stop them. You know that, right?” Muriella gestured toward Drew and Sonya.

“It was worth a shot.”

“When do we get the grand tour?” Mr. Dixon asked, setting his plate on the island.
