Page 51 of Free Me (Free 1)

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A terrible whining sound came from the engine. Delores jolted to a stop, smoke escaping from under the hood.

Honk. Honk.

The car behind us blew the horn. I put on the hazard lights and shifted into park, engaging the emergency brake.

Andrew already had his phone out. “I know a guy,” he said as he held it up to his ear. “Pop the hood.”

I searched around for the lever while Andrew rattled off our location into the phone.

“There it is.”

The latch for the hood disengaged, and we got out of the truck. Andrew shoved his phone back into his pocket before he lifted the hood. Smoke billowed from underneath, from what I had no clue.

“This is the point where I should look around in here and pretend I might know what’s wrong.” He winked at me and I found myself smiling. “I’ve never owned a car, much less been under the hood of one.”

“And this is the point where I should be that super cool woman who doesn’t need you to know anything about it because I do.” I glanced at the broken down truck. “But I’m clueless.”

“Help is on the way. Unfortunately, he’s at least half an hour away.”

“Want to park it on the curb? Or do like you suggested and pretend we know how to fix it?” I peered over the engine—at least, I thought that was what it was—and Andrew covered my forearm with his hand.

“Don’t touch anything. It’s probably hot.”

I stepped back. “Yeah. You’re right.”

“Let’s get out of the street.”

Andrew offered me his hand. I took it, and we stepped onto the sidewalk. For the few seconds he held my hand, a peace slid over me. The kind that real safety can bring. I remembered the last time someone held my hand. It was Huxley as he led me to the basement door. I’d thought I could trust him, but the instant he let go, I’d learned otherwise.

“Let’s have a look downstairs, sweetheart.”Huxley opened the door and held it for me. “There might be a new washer and dryer like somebody wanted.”

He grinned, and I kissed his cheek. “You’re so thoughtful.”

Thrilled, I started down the steps.

“Daddy will always take care of you.”

I stopped.Daddy?He’d never said anything like that before.

The door slammed in my face.


I could hearmy own fist pounding on the door, begging him for help. It never came.

“Trish?” Andrew’s voice broke through the fog. I blinked at him, concern on his face. “You’re crushing my hand,” he said, when I didn’t respond.

I looked at our joined fingers and jolted back to reality. “Sorry.” I tried to pry my hand loose, but he held it firm.

“Nothing to apologize for. You okay?”

I gave him the smile that I’d learned over the months I’d been free. The one that hid everything. “Fine. Fine.”

Andrew didn’t buy my act, but mercifully, he didn’t call me out on it. “I don’t think they’ll mind if we borrow their steps.”

He guided me over to the front of a brownstone and helped me to sit on the brick steps. Andrew sat beside me and let go of my hand. When he released me, I wanted his touch back. Instead of reaching out for him, I clasped my hands. So many thoughts were running through my mind. The flashback. I hadn’t had that one for a while.The terror.The truck . . . the cost to fix it. Ella. I needed to text—

“This wasn’t how I imagined this going.” His voice held a hint of humor. I looked over at him, finding amusement on his face too.
