Page 50 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Fifteen minutes on the job, and you’re already a clock watcher.”

“I have a hot date.”

“Is that right?”


“Then you can put all that in the bin underneath.” I pointed at a stack of cups and a box of utensils.

“Yes, ma’am.”

He set to work right away, and I prepared to close up shop. I screwed the lid on the tip jar and secured it up front, along with the bank box, so I could count the cash when I got home. It was a huge help to have Andrew store the condiments, utensils, and containers away while I made sure all the kitchen items were in place for the drive back.

At six o’clock on the nose, I shut the window and made a final inspection that everything was secure for travel.

Andrew slid into the passenger seat and buckled his seat belt.

“Ready to go?” I asked, cranking Delores. “Everything I Wanted” by Billie Eilish came through the radio speakers.

“Let’s do it,” he said. I put her in gear, and we rolled into traffic. “This is a first for me.”

I glanced over at him. “I doubt most people have ridden in a food truck.”

“It’s kind of like a first airplane ride.”

“That exciting, huh?” I asked dryly.

“It is. But what I’m really excited about is what comes after.”

I focused on the road instead of the warmth that spread through me. “Me too,” I confessed quietly.

“I’m not sure I should say this, but I’m going to anyway.” I eased to a stop at a traffic light and looked over at him. He rubbed his hands up and down his thighs. “I’m nervous.”

He is?

I hadn’t expected him to say that. “You don’t seem the type.”

“I didn’t think I was.” He lifted his shoulders to his ears. “Guess I am.”

“I am too.”

“That’s a good thing, right?”

The light turned green and I pressed on the gas pedal. “I have no idea.”

We sat in companionable silence for few moments, the roar of Delores’s engine a soothing sound.

“Would it be weird if I told you that you look sexy driving this thing?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

I patted the steering wheel a few times. “I suppose it is a little odd.”

“Then forget I mentioned it.”

“I don’t think I will.”

Andrew grinned.

I like having him in my truck. Which is weird, as it’s been my sanctuary . . . mine . . . for months.Yet with this man in such proximity, instead of fear and mistrust, there was joy and contentment.How he can create that is beyond me.
