Page 92 of Free Me (Free 1)

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I didn’t like it, but I had no other options. “Sure.”

He nodded once and turned his attention out the windshield.

“What do you do, Andrew?” Drew asked. He stumbled, gripping the back of the driver’s seat. “Shit, man. Watch the potholes.”

“I can’t when they’re across the whole damn road,” Stone said.

“Attorney,” I said, hoping to squelch the impending argument. “Primarily real estate.”

Drew snorted. “No offense, but I don’t like lawyers.”

“Probably because you spend so much time with them,” Daniel said.

He hadn’t interacted much, so the jab caught me off guard.

“Probably,” Drew agreed. We hit another bump, sending the plastic tubs we’d stored under the cabinet sliding. “Do I need to drive this thing, Jacobs?” He sank down until his ass hit the floor and leaned against the back of the seat.

“No way,” Stone said.

“My license is suspended anyway,” Drew muttered.

“You could have mentioned that before I let you borrow my car,” Daniel said dryly.

“No, I couldn’t. You wouldn’t have let me take your ride.”

“What did you do to get a suspended driver’s license?” Carlos asked and then reconsidered. “Never mind.”

“I’ll be laughing my ass off when your kids end up doing the same shit you pull,” Stone said.

“If we have girls, they’re never leaving the house,” Drew said, scowling.

Carlos looked smug. “What if they’re like Sonya?”

Stone held up his fist and they bumped. “Oh shit. Can you imagine living with three Sonyas?”

“Go to hell. All of you.” Drew hung his head and held up his middle finger. “They’ll kill me,” he muttered to himself.

“Not so proud of your semen now, are you?” Daniel smirked.

Drew glared at him. “Every single one of you sucks. I never harass y’all.”

“He can dish it out but can’t take it,” Stone said in a singsong voice.

We pulled into the parking lot I recognized, and my head swam. Patrick would love these guys with the way they razzed one another. It was amusing, but I felt a little lost.

Darth Vader music began to play, and Drew groaned and stabbed at the phone. Daniel collected the money and shoved it into a bag, while Stone and Carlos filed out of the truck.

Stone touched my shoulder as soon as my feet hit the pavement. “Hang around this nut house, and you’ll get used to it.”

I followed them to an Escalade parked a few spaces down from the truck.

“You coming?” Daniel asked when I stood rooted outside of the vehicle.

“Yeah. Definitely.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

