Page 115 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“Why?” He shrugged. I stared at him, unimpressed. “What did you hear?”

“None of this is admissible in court.”

“While you’ve become astute on the subject of the law, I don’t need you to tell me what is or isn’t relevant. Answer my questions.”

It was his turn to glare at me. I was beginning to wonder if he weren’t in shackles would we come to blows. We certainly butted heads enough.

“The kid was in his office. That’s all I know.”

“The boy’s reaction?”

“Ran to the woods.”

“Did you see him do that often?”

He scratched the side of his face. “I don’t know. Maybe. When I was his age, I would’ve been back there all the time.”

“Don’t ever repeat that.”


“Makes you sound familiar.” I scribbled the boy’s name on my pad. “If you had to guess, how often did you see him coming or going? Once a week? Every day?”

A line creased his forehead. “I can’t remember. Probably at least once a week, but I can’t say for sure.” He held up his finger. “I remember seeing him come out of there one day when it had been snowing. I thought it was weird he was out in the cold. Snow was up to his knees and it was bitter freezing cold.”

I made a note of that. “Did you ever notice Dara with him?”

“A few times. But I wasn’t watching their every move.”

I tapped my temple. “You’re taking in more than you realize. We’ve just got to unearth it.”

Irritation radiated off him. “She played along the tree line a lot. Shel didn’t like it when she got too far out of sight.”

“Does Shel work?”

“She’s an office manager at a dental office.”

“Any animosity with co-workers?”

“Not that I know of.” His answer was more of a question than resolute.

“Wouldn’t she discuss that with you? If you had plans to run off together, wouldn’t you know about her work?”

He folded his hands on the table. “We didn’t talk much.”

“Your relationship was mostly physical?”

“None of your business.”

“She didn’t confide in you? About her sister?”

“Noneof your business.”

I packed up again. “We’re done here.”

“Kane Zegas will be hereat five.”
