Page 116 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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Gerard handed me a stack of messages. I grumbled and slammed the door to my office.

I had a client who wasn’t going to help me get him acquitted. The mother of my child was a pain in my ass. I missed Blake more than I knew I was capable of. And I was in no mood for Wicked’s fucking attorney.

I had half an hour to prepare and my head was anywhere but where it needed to be. If I wasn’t on my A-game, the bastard would run circles around me. I was a great lawyer. He was the best.

I spun around in my chair and stared out the window. Marlow didn’t mess around.

Was she feeling okay? Did she need crackers? Ginger ale? Pizza?

I yanked on my hair. Why did I give a fucking fuck?

I picked up my phone. “Communicate through an attorney, my ass.”

The intercom buzzed. “Mr. Whitley, Counselor Zegas is here.”

I grunted in frustration. “Send him in.”

I stood and straightened my tie when I really wanted rip it off.

Without knocking, Zegas strode into the room and made himself at home in one of my chairs. “Got any whiskey? The good stuff.”

“News is that bad, huh?”

“How the fuck do you get yourself into this shit? And did you draft this document?” He waved papers in the air. “You left your ass hanging wide open.”

“You representing me or Marlow?”

“I feel like I’m refereeing between two toddlers.”

I handed him a tumbler. He raised it to me and downed half.

“Rough day?”

“Truthfully, I don’t have time for this shit.” He tossed the rest back and went to the bar for the bottle. “You gave this woman everything she wanted and she’s pissed. In what universe does that make sense?”

“Hers.” I tipped back my drink.

“How did you even get her in bed? I’ve had all of three conversations with her, and I needed a valium and a stiff drink after.”

I white-knuckled my glass. “She can be challenging,” I said through my teeth.

He lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “Oh for fuck’s sake. I can’t believe that just pissed you off.”

“How angry am I going to be when you hand over what she wants now?”

He took off his glasses and set them on the arm of the chair. “Do you want this kid?”

“Uh-uh. You tell me what she wants before I answer any questions.”

“I should have said no and dealt with Daniel later,” he muttered. “She wants full custody.”

I shot out of my chair. “What did you just say?”

Full custody? Over my dead body.

“You heard me.”

He was so casual about the entire thing, as if he hadn’t just threatened to destroy my whole world.
