Page 169 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“Where are you going?”

“To fix it.” I dashed to his front door, ignoring the stabbing pain in my back, phone in hand. “Can you keep Blake?” I called over my shoulder.

“You don’t have to ask.” Andrew was on my heels.

I flung open the door and screeched to a stop.

“I’m glad to find you here instead of with that rapist.” My mother stood on the stoop, a dark trench coat dotted with rain drops wrapped around her. “You will not let my grandchild have anything to do with that pervert.” She gave my stomach a pointed look.

Automatically, I wrapped my arms around my middle to shield Gummy.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

She released an exasperated huff as she flicked her gaze to Andrew. “He couldn’t even teach you proper language.” The mutter was loud enough for both of us to hear.

“Haven’t you done enough?”

“Is your father still with that tramp?”

I recoiled when she referred to Mrs. Quinn that way. It had taken me a while to accept her in my dad’s life, but I could see now it was because of the woman in front of me. She had poisoned my mind against someone who had only ever been good and kind—and forgiving—to me and my family.

The rain began to fall steadily, yet we didn’t move from the doorway to let her in.

“What difference does it make to you? Trouble at home?” I hated this woman. She’d waited until I was most vulnerable to strike. Made me believe she cared, that she was sorry for ever leaving us. But she’d never said the words. Never really behaved with regret.

An agenda. That was what she had. I still hadn’t figured out what it was.

She pursed her lips. “Is he with her?”

I narrowed my eyes. “Yes.”

The lie was worth the rage that contorted her smooth features. “Does she know he spent the night with me?”

Andrew stiffened. “Our father would never do something so foolish. Don’t you ever speak ill of him again.”

“Or what?” She fixed a sinister smile on her face. “That wife of yours, her ex-sister-in-law, there’s a distinct possibility she could get out of prison.” Her attention turned to me. “And that pervert you’re sleeping with will have to get her out.”

Andrew stepped forward. “I’m filing a restraining order.”

She laughed. “Based on what? I’m simply a mother looking out for her children.”

“You’re a bitch who can’t stand that we’re happy without you.” It felt good to unleash the truth on her.

She appeared ready to strangle me. “That’s no way to speak to me, young lady.”

Something in me snapped. I pushed my way in front of my brother and got into her face. “Stay away from us,” I screamed, shoving her shoulders.

She stumbled backward and a flash went off.

Chapter Fifty-Seven


“We’re done.”

I set my briefcase on the table, but didn’t sit.

“Abraham, are we back to this? Do you want to retain me as counsel or not?” I sighed, pretended it made me no difference when the truth was that focusing on this case was the only thing keeping me sane.
