Page 24 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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I turned my back to him and stripped my shirt off as I took off my shoes. Reaching one hand behind my back, I unhooked my bra and added it to the growing pile of clothes. My hands trembled by the time I slid my fingers beneath the strings of my panties.

“You’ve lost weight.”

I froze, silk pooled at my feet. He shouldn't have noticed. That would make him something I didn't want him to be. More than my brother’s observant best friend.It has nothing to do with you.Maybe if I repeated the lie enough I’d start to believe it.

I squared my shoulders and stepped into the shower, letting the door slam behind me. Seemed lying had become something I excelled at. I’d sworn I’d never be back in this house again.

Yet here I was. No, herewewere.

And Patrick was right. I’d needed this respite. A moment where someone else looked after my little boy . . . and me. But . . . why was he doing it? What was happening to my walled and angry heart?

That’s called thankfulness, Linley.Why can’t you say those words to this man?

Because the last man I said thank you to, apart from my dad, didn’t return home to me.

Chapter Ten


Idiot.Dumbass. Fucking moron. Dumbass.

Shit, I’d already called myself that. What in the actual fuck had I been thinking bringing her here? Why hadn’t I put Blake in a guest suite? Shown her there instead of behaving like there was no other place to sleep besides my room.

I brushed my tongue with aggressive strokes and tried to forget the sight of her bare ass on display in all of its beauty. Or the fact she was thinner than the last time I’d seen her. She needed to take care of herself—why did I care what she did?

Wicked had made it perfectly clear where I stood. And it wasn’t anywhere near her.

Yet my dick hadn’t gotten the memo. He punched at my boxer briefs, begging for a chance to feel her heat.

I splashed cold water on my face to no avail. How was I supposed to go back in the bedroom with a boner that could poke her son in the eye?

I’d have to run through the room to take a cold shower in another bathroom and rub one out. That was all there was to it. Because this shit wasn’t going down.

“Dude, what is it about your mother?” I grumbled as I moved past his sleeping form.

She’d done something to me. It was the only explanation. Now, I couldn’t think straight when it came to her.

“Crazy. Batshit crazy.” Ice cold water hit my chest when I turned on the taps in the guest bathroom shower. “Shit.”

I fisted my dick and braced my forearm on the wall. That long spine gave way to her round ass, which led to those slender legs. I pumped faster, my balls already drawing up. It was the legs. They did it to me every time.

Smooth skin. Defiance she wore like a crown. Thighs that gripped like a vice. The legs. Those goddamn legs.

I tightened my hold and worked my shaft to the point I was panting. Legs. Legs. Legs.

Semen shot out and hit the wall.

“Wicked,” I grunted as I slowed my strokes. Another spurt coated my hand, and I slumped against the tile.

Congratulations, pecker. You just set a world record for fastest nut ever by a grown-ass man.

I hunga towel around my neck and slung open the shower door.

Legs. Those fucking legs peeking out of one of my T-shirts.

“Ever heard of a thing called privacy,” I barked even as my dick came to attention.

“We’re not kindergarteners,” she said sweetly before sticking a toothbrush in her mouth.
