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Lincoln once again surprised me. He seemed always in charge yet tended to go with the flow when it came to his siblings.

“I got steaks too,” Teague said impatiently. Sadie barked. “What did I say?” He looked at me.

“An S-word,” I whispered.

“I thought it was B-words that were off-limits.” He pulled down a glass baking dish.

“All words are off-limits when it comes to that one.” Miss Adeline patted Sadie’s head.

“Don’t you need that?” Beau motioned to the instruction manual Lincoln tossed aside.

He grunted and continued to pull parts out of the box.

“Who gives someone a grill they have to put together?” She winked at me.

Lincoln muttered unintelligibly under his breath.

“A jerk,” Miss Adeline added. “But lucky us. We get to see men at work.”

“Ugh.” Beau wrinkled her nose. “Those are my brothers.”

“You could call whoever messed up your dress to help us.” Lincoln didn’t look up when he delivered the jab.

“Do you already have a boyfriend here?” Miss Adeline asked hopefully. “You’ll stay longer if you do.”

Beau picked at the end of her sweatshirt. Teague turned around, interested in her answer.

“I definitely don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Give it a few days,” Miss Adeline said. She wandered over to the other chair and sat.

I touched Teague’s arm. “Anything I can do to help?”

“Make sure there’s no bloodshed before dinner.” He pulled down a few spices from the cabinet and some items from a grocery bag.

“I’ll try my best.”

I picked up the instruction manual and flipped through it.

Lincoln had all the parts separated. “She’s right. Only a jerk would give someone an unassembled grill.”

“But then you’d miss out on the fun of putting it together.” I sat beside him.

“Move out of the way, handsome. She’s a wiz when it comes to that stuff.” Miss Adeline propped her feet on the sofa.

“Be ready to bring us drinks.” I smoothed the instruction manual and studied it.

“I’m not as helpless as Beau makes me out to be,” Lincoln said.

“When’s the last time you put anything together?” she asked smartly.

“The bunk beds you had to have when you were eight.”

She stuck out her tongue. “My point exactly.”

“Hold this please.” I stood one of the legs on end and screwed on a wheel.

“Are these all the tools you have?” Lincoln looked at the skinny collection consisting of two screwdrivers, a hammer, and pliers.
