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“You’d better think fast.”

I hung up, tossed my phone aside, and rushed to the door. Hand on the doorknob, I hesitated.

Don’t look so eager, Beau.

But I was. And I ignored the warning signals going off in my head about that.

I barely had the door open when Cal pushed inside. He kicked it shut and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me flush against him.

Something turbulent and dangerous and greedy flashed in his dark eyes.Don’t kiss me. You can’t kiss me. You know the rules.

That turbulence appeared ready to tell my rules to kiss its ass.

Why is he staring?

Normally we went straight to ripping off clothes. This . . . it was too intense.

He grabbed my injured hand, and I hissed at the bolt of pain.

His expression turned lethal. He lifted my hand, putting it under the overhead light. Deep purple had already formed on my skin.

“What happened?”

The demand was rough. I blinked at him. We didn’t exchange pleasantries. Nohow was your day, dearor anything personal. All of our conversation revolved around commands of pleasure.

“It’s nothing,” I brushed off, diving for the hem of his shirt. I needed to get this back on track. Back to purely physical.

He circled my uninjured wrist, bringing my movements to a halt.

“Doesn’t look like nothing.”

That stare. It made me forget completely about my bruises because I felt too much chaos racing through my body.

I shrugged. “I slammed it—”

“Don’tlie to me.”

Oh no. I poked a finger into his solid chest. “You lost any say over what I do a long time ago. Now do you want to make me scream or leave? Your choice.”

He stalked over to the nightstand and picked up the phone. “I need a bucket of ice.”

Cal was back in front of me, his tender touch of my hand a direct contrast to the ferocity on his face. He led me to the sofa and sat so that I had no choice but to sit beside him.

“Can you move it?” With the slightest motion, he brushed his thumb over my swollen pinky.

“When did you become a doctor?”

I scooted away. This wasn’t part of our arrangement. He didn’t get to act like he cared when I knew otherwise.

His jaw set as his eyes demanded an answer.

I sighed in frustration, mostly with myself. “I’d rather not.”

“Did you feel anything crack?”

Only every bone in my hand.But I wasn’t going to say that.

“Did I dial the wrong number? Because I’m pretty sure I didn’t text you for an examination.” I angled to put some distance between us.
