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Shedidhave a pull on me I couldn’t explain or fight against. I’d done it successfully once and it had taken everything I had.

“I don’t need to be hard up to want you.”

Thatwasnotwhat was supposed to come out of my mouth. She was right. We needed to go back to less talking.

“I just wanted a hot bath.” She sounded far away, like she was talking to herself instead of me. And she was exhausted.

That explained all the sloshing around.

“Teague’s calling. I have to go,” she said.

“I’ll wait.”

You really and truly have lost your mind.It had been the excuse I needed to put distance between us. And when the opportunity presented itself, I didn’t want it.

I twirled my keyring around my finger. I hated days off. A restlessness that never seemed to go away ate at me.

After I’d left Ma’s, I’d gone over to what was left of Joe’s place. I’d seen more burned buildings than the average person, but it had still been a shock. We’d been there only hours before, getting his stuff. Now he had nothing left but the bag he’d brought to my place.

I’d dropped by the station to see him. His state was mostly unchanged. He wouldn’t say more than a few words, except he had to work overnight. It was a lie. He didn’t have to. He wanted to. Because it was where he felt most comfortable. I didn’t begrudge him that.

More water came through the line, except it sounded like a tub draining.

“I really have to go. There’s a rescue a couple hours away and they need me to watch the dogs.” She was more alert, back to business.

“You can’t watch that many dogs with your hand like that.”

“Goodbye, Cal.”

I checked the screen. She’d hung up on me again.

Twice in one night? I didn’t think so.

Little miss thought she could get rid of me that easy? I had news for her.

It wasn’t happening.

Chapter Seventeen


He was right.

I made a noise of frustration at the unwanted thought. My hand hurt and I’d only let one dog out of his kennel, a sweet one named Lucky. He was gentle, even if he’d jumped a little when I’d let him out first. But looping a leash around his neck one-handed? I just hoped they didn’t have a security camera.

I surveyed the line of kennels. There were a lot of dogs to walk. Like twelve at least. And I’d have to do it one at a time.

I’d had a little practice with Muffy and Millie, but this was a monumental task. I honestly had no idea how Pepper, Miss Adeline, and Teague did it.

“At least you’ve been fed,” I said under my breath. I scratched behind Lucky’s ears. “Go easy on me?”

He licked at my hand, and I patted his head.

“Okay, troops. We’ll be back in a bit.”

A few of the dogs barked in response, though one seemed to be giving me the stink eye.Sadie.

How could I forget she did everything first?
