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My stomach fluttered. It had been two days since I’d seen or heard from Cal. That one word sent a shot of excitement through me.Because it’s an excuse to get out of here.

I’d take any reason at this point. Even Cal.

“Excuse me,” I said, holding up my phone. “I need to see to this.”

I tried to keep my steps neutral as I crossed the room, though it was hard to contain the thrill that one word had sparked.

“Did you find the perfect arrangement, sweetheart?”

The endearment on my father’s lips only momentarily soured my mood.

“I think so, Daddy.” My smile was only partially fake. In a few minutes, I’d be out of this hellhole.

“Very good. I want you to be happy.”

Liar. He wantedhimto be happy. And that meant this wedding going off without a hitch.

“Thank you.” I bent and kissed his cheek. “Something has come up at work. It can’t wait.”

His nostrils flared in displeasure, though he kept himself controlled. “Nothing is more important than this wedding.”

It was a sharp reminder to keep in line.

“Mrs. Davenport has such impeccable taste, she’s made it a dream to finalize the details,” I said brightly. “I guess when it’s the right person, everything falls into place.”

Father’s hard gaze bore into me, yet he’d managed to keep the rest of his facial features pleasant. “Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. I’m sure you and Alex want to spend time together after dinner.”

Is he insinuating I should sleep with that jackass?

I had news for him. This was as close as I’d ever get to that bastard again.

“Darling, I had something special planned.”

It was all I could do not to gag when Alex spoke. I wouldn’t even think about what that meant and I sure as hell wasn’t his darling.

“Let someone else see to the matter. It will be a good test to see who’s fit to replace you.”

My jaw tightened. My father was going to take away everything I’d worked for. And by the gleam in his cold eyes, he was looking forward to it. Shouldn’t he have faith that no one could do my job as well as I did?

“I can’t do that.”

Disobedience in front of others was strictly forbidden.Father knows best.But I had wasted enough time with these people. I had a life to live and I was sick of being so careful to make sure I didn’t displease my father.

Be smart about this, Beau. You can get what you want. Just don’t rock the boat too much.

I wanted to sink the boat.

Instead, I put on a winning smile. “Would you mind if I borrowed my father for a moment?”

“Of course not, dear,” Mr. Davenport said.

Father clutched his drink and led us toward the foyer. “This is unacceptable.”

“I didn’t want to discuss our business in front of them,” I said, keeping my voice low. “It’s ours. Not theirs.”

That seemed to loosen him up a fraction. And it was actually the truth. The Davenports would never have any say in Hollingsworth Properties.
