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He loomed over us. His face was red and his breaths were harsh when his eyes met mine.

“It’s time you play with somebody your own size.”

He grabbed Alex by the front of his shirt and lifted him as if he weighed nothing. Alex squirmed, landing hits and kicks to Cal’s arms and legs that he didn’t seem to feel.

Cal smashed Alex into the wall so hard it dented the plaster.

Alex screamed the way I’d wanted to.

“You think that’s gonna help?” Cal growled. He gripped Alex by the jaw and squeezed. “How do you like that? Hurts, don’t it?”

The crack of bones reverberated through the room. My stomach pitched, but it had nothing to do with Alex and everything to do with worry for Cal.

All the fight immediately went out of Alex. He closed his eyes, and for a second, I thought he’d passed out.

Then Cal snapped both his arms like they were twigs.

“What did he do this time?” Cal asked gruffly.

“Slammed my head against the door,” I said quietly.

Teague and Lincoln burst into my room.

“You.” Teague pointed at Davenport with a feral look in his eyes. He looked between me and Cal.

Alex whimpered.

Lincoln was focused solely on me. I’d seen him angry, but not this . . . I couldn’t describe it. Murderous. That was what was in the rigid set of his jaw. “I’d like to know why he thinks he can touch you.”

“You are going to regret the day you ever laid a finger on our sister, you sorry sack of shit,” Teague said through his teeth.

Lincoln’s fist flew first. When it connected with Alex’s jaw, his head ricocheted. He looked at Lincoln in dazed shock.

I’d never seen my oldest brother violent. Ever.

“My turn.” Teague landed a vicious blow to Alex’s gut.

Alex couldn't double over because Cal still held him like a rag doll.

The punches didn't seem to satisfy my brothers. If anything, their anger ramped up.

“Move,” Cal said.

They stepped out of the way, and he rammed Alex’s head into the door so hard it knocked him out.

Cal’s eyes were wild and ferocious when they met mine. “Any justice you want to serve?”

My pounding heart nearly burst. He’d defended me. Fought for me. And was giving me a chance to fight for me too. Like a partner.

A husband.

It seemed cruel and violent to hit a man who was in Alex’s condition, but the memory of his sick pleasure spurred me off the floor.

Cal slid to the side, still holding Alex in place. I reared my leg back as far as I could and kneed him in the crotch with all the strength I possessed.

Cal lifted a brow, silently asking if I was done.

I nodded.
