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Okay, so I may have bent my promise a little bit. Once I kissed Nicolette, she took hard handfuls of my hair, and her legs found their way up my hips. I did what any self—respecting man would. Wrapped them over me and carried her to the stripped-down bed. Falling to my back, I let her straddle me. This way, she is in control. If she wants to stop, she can. If she wants to rub that fresh, clean pussy up and over my throbbing cock through my jeans until I will have to toss them in the wash, so fucking be it.

She doesn’t disappoint. A leg on either side of me, she presses that soaked body against me, deepening our kiss. Her body slowly dancing along mine is absolutely tantalizing. Dare I say it—I see fucking stars behind my eyes with every swipe of her tongue across mine. I don’t think I have ever been this worked up, and I was a twelve—year—old boy once.

Nicolette moans, moving up and down faster, breaking our kiss so that her breasts are mere centimeters from my mouth. I want to fuck me do I, but she hasn’t asked me to or really offered. I won’t cross the line. I promised I wouldn’t. “Tink?” I say breathlessly. It won’t hurt to ask, though, right? “May I touch you more?”

“Please, Pan. Make me come.”

I don’t need to be told twice. Grabbing her hips, I use my legs to push up the bed so that I can sit up, putting her beautiful breasts right in my face. I use one hand to press her body more firmly against my cock as I lift to meet her gyrations. She wraps her arms around my shoulders, going faster, moaning louder. My hands slip up to her breasts, my tongue darting out as I separate them and run it slowly up her scar in a long slow motion. She freezes for half a second and then topples over the edge into her orgasm. A few violent shakes, and she tries to collapse against me, but I’m not done. I want to come and don’t care if it makes a mess. I have shorts in the car, as I had planned to run after dropping her off at the church.

Pressing her back, I return to kissing and caressing her. Tracing the place where her life began again. I hump her faster, more aggressively, imagining what it will be like when we are finally really connected. I love her smell, love the softness of her skin. It’s official. I’m all in.

Coming just as she peaks again, I pull her into me, wrapping her up as though I am her blanket. I say nothing. Just listen to her hummingbird heart. As it comes down, I finally get the courage to break the silence.

“I didn’t think it was possible,” I whisper against her shoulders.

“You didn’t think what was possible, Pan?” Her fingers run through my hair.

“That I’d ever be happy again.” I look down at her. If I am going to love anyone, it is going to be Nicolette Barrett.


“What the fuck is this?”

I’m jarred from the first peaceful sleep I’ve had in years by the shrill sound of Cliff’s complaints.

“Kristopher, Kingsman, how could you? You’re her mentor. You aren’t supposed to be fucking her!”

“For fuck’s sake, Pierce! Shut the fuck up. SICK here! He’s just fucking holding me and keeping me warm. Give me my fucking tea and go if all you’re gonna do is scream like a God Damned Banshee.”

“You’re here to deliver the good shit and get out. No questions or comments needed, unless you want, I should give you another shiner.”

“It's not cool, man.” Cliff shakes his head. “She’s sick. If she gets worse, it could be an issue. If she’s not taking her meds, she will really have an issue.”

“Cliff, I’ve watched her take her meds, including the ones you had her pick up to make her seem like she wasn’t actually sick.”

“It's the process.” Cliff tries to interject.

“Yeah, well, we have more issues because you are a jackass. Now off with you, unless you wanna watch me snog her.” I pull Nicolette into me. I don’t give a fuck.

“Food?” Nicolette asks as her stomach growls.

“The soup is in the kitchen, with a bloomin’ onion and a thermos of that stuff Mitty makes you.” Cliff scoffs. “Your dad will be home in about an hour. I suggest you all move out of the bed before then.”

“I’m comfortable here. Pan is warm.”

“See, I’m warm,” I smirk.

With a shake of his head, he walks out the door and leaves us.

“Food then snuggles at my place? I think my pants may be dry by now.”

“We have to pack my medicine. Do I have to change?”

She’s so fucking cute. I kiss her nose. “No, Tink, not unless you want a repeat performance, then maybe another set of jammies and that sexily delicious body wash.”

“Three hours of sleep, and I say I might take you up on that offer.”
