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“Hey, I thought you said you’d be here in a few? Did you decide to stop somewhere else?”

“What’s wrong with you, Nicolette? I saw the my-chart notification. Are you okay? You need to come home.” My dad’s voice comes through the line.

“I’m fine, dad. It’s just a little chest thing. I’m working through it. Kris and I are working on music once I pick up a couple of things I need. Go out and have some fun. I’m taking care of myself.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just what I said. I’m gonna go.”

“Nicolette Barrett, do not hang up this phone.”

I do it anyway, and I’m sitting on the stairs rubbing my head when Kris pulls up. Standing, I make my way over to the car.

“Pan, can you take me to neverland?” I’m sure he can read the stress on my face when I look at him.

“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go. What happened?” He pops the door open for me.

“Dad got my my-chart notification. Needless to say, he’s pissed, and I hung up on him when he started telling me to come home. I won’t be shocked if he’s at your place when we get there.”

He looks at Bowzer asleep in the back seat. “So then we don’t go there. How about we shack up in a nice cushy hotel, have a spa day, do a little shopping, and then tomorrow we go get Cat and blow this town till Labor day.”

“I think you have a death wish. I’d have to go home and get my stuff to go somewhere.” Crazy man wants to be dead. “Can we get a tea?”

He smiles, “Of course, we can. As for the stuff, for tonight, it’s my treat. Tomorrow, I’ll take care of your dad. Do you trust me?” He asks, pulling away from the curb.

“Yeah, we’re gonna need Pierce to get my meds from your place. We didn’t bring them-”

He tosses a brown bag at me. “I went back as soon as I dropped you off.” If his smile were any bigger, his face would crack.

“I thought you were going to the clinic?” I look at him, confused.

As we hit a red light, he rolls up his sleeve to show the band-aid. “Done that too. I had them do a full panel including HIV and HPV, plus the usual though least likely culprits. I’ll be getting calls for the next few days, but by Friday, I’ll have all the results.”

“Thank you. I know you didn’t need to do that, but it makes me feel better.”

“Whatever you need. Now, speaking of, since we are down to just the clothes on our backs and my black card, would you feel up to a light lunch followed by some shopping?”

I hum. “Lunch sounds like a good idea. I need to take a couple of meds and should eat with it.”

Kris takes us to this little hole-in-the-wall place. It reminds me a lot of a hospital cafeteria. Right down to us, standing in line to get our meal. My back is to Kris’ front with his arms wrapped around me.

“This is what I could picture school lunches would be like.”

He chuckles, “Sorta, except we don’t have some prudish teacher shouting about PDA.” He nuzzles into my neck, making me scrunch up and squeal a bit. An older couple smiles, holding hands as the woman speaks up.

“Sweet new love.”

I smile at the woman before looking up at Kris. “I dont know about love, but I kind of like him.”

“And I think she’s not too shabby. But you ma’am are the picture of grace.” He winks, and she blushes.

“You hear that, honey. Picture of grace.”

“You sure are.” The older man nods.
