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“Yeah, so? If All for One can cover Jonh Michael, you can cover Garth. It’s about who you know, and you happen to know Kris King. Just because I climbed into a bottle and burned, my London bridge doesn’t mean I didn’t keep good with people that mattered in the industry. I don’t sing, but I write, and they know I’m one of the best. Vagrant Souls Records is reputable and has plenty of—well, everything behind it. The question isn’t who’s going to let you do a cover. It’s who’s cover do you want to do, because once I announce that you are on the prowl for a compilation album, they are going to be offering you all sorts of things to take their songs. I promise you that.”

“You’ve got a lot more faith in me than I feel right now. I’m sure it’s just leftover feelings from before, but they are hard to let go of. You know?”

He nods. “Try mooning half of London and falling off a stage sometime. That bruises more than the ego.”

“What if I wanted you to sing with me? Would you?”

Kris looks away, then back to me. “Would you believe I’ve questioned if you’d have me?”

“I kinda thought I already did.”

He takes three steps toward me before lifting me into his arms and kissing me.

“You’ve got me as long as you want me.”

“And if I say I want you forever?” I wrap my legs around his waist.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Then I guess I’m gonna have to have a talk with your dad, huh?”

He said what? Am I getting married? Is that what we just discussed?
