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Don’t let anyone fool ya, pregnancy is a lot. One minute you want something and the next you don’t. Just the motion of the water can make you sick. It also makes days long. I still don’t know that I’m not a hundred precent on board with this pregnancy thing but what am I supposed to do? Kill my baby? I think not. There’s a lot to deal with in a normal pregnancy but ours is everything and so much more. I’m trying not to stress but I can’t help it.

The band and I have been working on a bunch of covers while Kris is watching us and managing the sound booth. One thing I’ve figured out, is this group likes to throw things at me that they don’t either expect me to know or want to see what I can handle. I take a seat grabbing my water bottle because I’m a little out of breath at the moment. We’ve done five fast songs in a row. I need to make a note that it may be a bit much to do so many high octane songs back to back.

I know if I can feel my heart beating as hard as it is at this moment then Kris was just alerted since he has both of our phones.

“Hey Nik, are you okay?” Blue asks from beside me.

“Yeah, I just need a small break. Everyone take ten.” I spy Kris slipping in as the others are leaving. “I’m okay. Don’t look at me that way.”

“I’m not looking at you in any way.” He licks his lips, putting out his hand covertly handing me my afternoon pills. Is it really already lunchtime?

I take them before speaking. “Did you tell them to push me so hard?”

“Not at all. I told them to follow your lead. You may not realize it but you put out a lot of high energy, they were feeding off you. You still move like a Popstar, and they see it so they keep giving you shit to shake your ass to-proabaly to tire you out.” He chuckles.

“Nah, I just like to watch her ass.” Mariska snickers, I had not realized she wasn’t gone yet. Apparently she was still servicing her drumkit.

“The woman has a point. It is a nice one, at least for now.”

Kris boops me on the nose. “Bad kitty, no self-depreciation, or I’ll have to get the water bottle.”

“Yes, plesase, that white tee is screaming for a streaming.” Mariska shakes her head patting Kris on the shoulder, and flashing me a hundred kilowatt smile. “We’re going over to Russo’s for fish and chips, you all wanna come, or are you going to make some of your own music?”

“No fish and chips for me thanks. Have fun. I’m sure this one will be putting us all right back to work. I’ve got my lunch in the cooler.”

She shrugs and with a finger wave is out the door. Kris watches her disappear through the glass then grabs me up, and lays a hand on my heart.

“Did you tell them yet?” He rubs his nose against mine, teasing me with the promise of his lips.

“What was I supposed to tell the again?”

“Oh, I don’t know anything personal.”

“Mister King we’ve spoke about this. We are not talking about the growing elephant in the room until we’ve finished this trimester. As for the other, they’re all going to look at me like I’m dying all the time.”

“I doubt it. Mariska has Lupus, and Blue is a testicular cancer survivor. If anything they’re gonna think you’re even more of a rockstar.” His lips trace my neck. “I know I do. Just tell them, someone is going to have to look after you in the powder rooms of the clubs cause they sure aren’t going to let me in there. Too many chances for you to be late on stage because I can’t keep my hands to myself.” He smirks at me squeezing my ass firmly.

“Ain’t that the truth.” I smile. “We need to find a balance.”

“Monday, funday, Oral Tuesdays, Wicked Wednesdays, Tong- Ouch!” He pulls back as I flick his nose. “Not nice, no tongues for you tonight.” He crosses his arms with a pout.

“Get over yourself. I get whatever I want and you know it. Speaking of, I think I want a snack.”

He raises a brow at me. “I don’t think a fruit rollup pickle taco with Taki chips and pickle juice chaser is any better for you than those fish and chips would have been.” Shaking his head he pulls out his phone. “I’m door dashing a burger, maybe some ribs. You want something else?”

“Just get me something and I only have one pickle. I promise.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Jalepeno poppers and hot wings it is.” He teases, poking the phone, before looking up at me. “When they get back I want you to pick a song out of your book for them. It’s time they see how much you really want to get back to your roots.”

“They’re not ready. I’m still working on them.”

“Working with the band will move you more. I promise.” He kisses me gently. “Trust me?”

“Last time I said that I trusted you, I agreed to carrying a baby. Trusting you is a dangerous job.”
