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“Amen,” I whisper before climbing into bed beside Nicolette. It’s almost two in the morning and she’s been asleep for a while. I made sure to take all the pamphlets, calendars, and brochures that they had in the waiting and exam rooms to do with pregnancy and health. They laid so much at our feet that I’m still spinning as I sit here in the dark, watching her breathe by moonlight. Cat is ontop of her pillow over her head and Bowzer just settled at the foot of the bed. We’re moored just off shore by Sleepy Point, a little hiking area that I want to take her picnicking at later this afternoon. I did manage to get her that pickle fruit rollup concoction and she was so damn cute rolling and cutting it up into something that resembled sushi, saying it was the closest she was going to get for the next nine months.

I guess it’s better than sardine and peanutbutter, which was my mom’s craving with Claudette. I have been talking to them tonight, as I sat on the deck praying to be able to show Nicolette all the confidence and strength that she’s going to need, when in reality I’m terrified. Terrified that we could lose the baby. Terrified that I could lose her, or even both of them. If anything other than a beautiful healthy baby and momma come out of this I will never forgive myself, becasue let’s face it, the fault would be mine.

I knew the risks of the sex we were having, and let’s face it, I am the real adult in this relationship. She’s barely out of her teens, and here I am, pushing forty. I should be taking better care of her, and being more mindful of her specific needs. She’s not just some groupie or random pump. I love her. God, I can’t seem to imagine any scenario where I wouldn’t have fallen in love with her. Regardless of the heart in her chest. It may have been my sister’s, but she’s had it longer. I know Claudette is gone, but I pray that her strength and her spirit see fit to stick around a bit longer because I need it. We need it.

Leaning down, I kiss Nicolette’s head before gently pulling her into my chest. She snuggles closer in her sleep, and I just breathe in the floral scent of her hair. I made a lot of calls tonight, and I think that the next few weeks are going to be the hardest, but once we clear week thirteen, this hiding shit is over. I just needed her as safe as possible, just a little longer. The darkenss will fade in the day and today will be one day closer to making our dreams reality.

I don’t know how long I’ve been down, but the smell of simmering butter has my stomach growling. I go to move and am immediately accosted by puppy kisses. “Aghh-down.” I whine, trying to get up, “Come on- Uggh!” There go my nuts, and I’m crying like a toddler from the one-two punch. I’m blinded by pain as I curl up into a ball.

“Hey Pan, are you okay?” The cover lifts off of me. “Kris?”

“Hope you don’t want more bio babies,” I whine, still holding my pulverized nutsack.

“I suppose if Bowzer fixes you now, neither of us have to get fixed.”

I open a single eye to a yip. “Ha-ha- Just wait, you little shit, two more months and revenge will be mine! Snip-snip.” I make the scissor motion. “I need kisses from my Tink.” I give her my best puppy dog eyes.

“I’m not kissing your balls. I’ve already brushed my teeth, and we have to get ready to go.”

“Not what I asked for, and where are we going? I had plans. What are you up to?” I eye her suspiciously.

“We’re going to meet the band at the studio. We have lots of work to do, and I have a lot of energy today.” She watches me. “We got a lot of news yesterday, and I refuse to let it pull me down. If I let myself dwell on everything, I might as well say I give up. I’m not doing that. I’m also not going to overdo it. I just think rehearsing with the band is a good thing. Maybe we’ll be ready to tour sooner rather than later.”

I swear to God this woman shares my dreams in the night. I take a cleansing breath before sitting up and yanking her into my arms, covering her in kisses. “Tink, I was just dreaming about us on tour. You and me in a big bus going cross-country together, hitting the circuit and letting the country world scene watch as this beautiful body swells up with our incredible creation.”

“Living on a bus but getting to travel again.” Nicolette is watching me rather closely. “I think I’d be okay with that because I love you, but I am burning up on this boat.”

“That may be true, but at least out here, there is one nice thing.” She cocks her brow before I continue. “No possibility of a tan line.”

“I’d agree but-” she purses her lips. “we’re docked at the marina.”

I crane my neck looking out the window, and sure enough, I’m looking at the docks. “You drove the boat? When did you learn that?” I ask, impressed.

“Just because you think I’m not paying attention doesn’t mean anything. I watch and learn even when you don’t think so. Don’t underestimate me so much.”

“I know better than ever to underestimate any woman, but especially to never do so with a Southern one.” I pull from her. “I suppose I ought to get dressed and then investigate what I smelled you cookin’ up before Bowzer clipped me.” I pull her up to stand in my arms. “If the food is protected from Cat, would you care to wash my back while I worship at your alter?”

“Cat’s already been fed, and yours is protected. I woke up hungry. However, you said something about worshiping at my altar. I think the band can wait for another hour or so.”

“That’s good.” I let out a little growl. “If they ask why we’re late, just tell them we couldn’t leave until after morning prayers.”

“You’re so wrong on so many levels, but I love you anyway.” Nicolette wraps her arms over my shoulders and kisses me. Grabbing her ass, I lift her and take her away.
