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Down the stairs I come almost tripping over Cat. “Jesus Christ! These animals are trying to get rid of me.”

“Tink, he was just trying to say hi, he may have locked himself in an overhead compartment, with the catnip you bought him.” He’s plating food. Oh goodie. “Lathan made these ham and pickle wraps, they look pretty good, and the zucchini chips are salt and vinegar.” He holds out a chip to me. “Taste?”

I take it with my mouth. I moan around the chip. “Oh that’s really good. If he keeps making food like this I’m going to be incredibly fat.”

Kris shrugs, “More cushion for the pushin.” He turns to me, “Wanna take these outside? Stretch our legs a bit? No idea where we are, but may as well take advantage.”

“Do you think it will be okay? We didn’t actually bring any security with us.”

“Would you feel safer if I check with Gill first, pretty sure he’s got his conceal and carry.” Kris says thoughtfully.

“No, I mean, I trust you. Let me grab a water. Do you want something to drink?”

“Gatorade? I’m gonna need the electrolytes.” He chuckles heading for the exit. “Maybe you should get one of the energy waters Lathan made, seeing as you crashed with my head firmly between your legs!” He sing-songs going out the door.

“I’m sorry it takes alot to grow your child!” I rub my belly. “It’s okay baby, your daddy likes to be an ass!”
