Page 11 of Judgment

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MY MOUTH GOES dry at the challenge he sets out for me and a shiver snakes down my spine, sending goosebumps rushing over my bare skin.

I almost avert my gaze when Andre’s eyes immediately fix on my nipples as they pull painfully tight.

I’ve spent years pretending I don’t see when men notice me, but right now that’s something I should probably pay attention to.

So I can use it to my advantage.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady the race of my heart. The inhale lifts my chest and I could swear Andre’s nostrils flare the tiniest bit, but I do my best not to read anything into it.

I’m under no illusions. I’m not sexy. Not even a little. Which didn’t seem unfortunate until now.

Poor Madison spent more than a few evenings trying to prepare me for this night, and I think somehow I’ve forgotten every bit of the advice she offered.

So I’m left with no option but to fake it and wish I’d watched a little more porn.

Or at least paid better attention when I served drinks up in the private rooms at Platinum.

Andre smirks at my hesitation. “That’s what I thought.” When he motions to the dress I stripped off in a moment of desperation, I know he’s going to try to send me home again.

I have to do something and I have to do it fast.

I need this money, and Yvonne made it very clear that if sex didn’t happen, we didn’t get paid.

“You’re awfully impatient.” My voice barely wavers, but it is what it is.

Andre’s hand hangs in the air, still pointing in the general direction of where Madison’s dress is piled on the wood floor. “I’m a busy man, Duchess. I don’t have time for timid women that are afraid to suck a cock.”

“Get it out then.” I say it fast, knowing I’m running out of time.

One black brow lifts as Andre’s equally black eyes drift back to my boobs, lingering there for just a second before returning to my face. “I didn’t pay a hundred thousand dollars to get my own dick out, Duchess.” His hands move out to his sides, as if he’s offering himself to me.

And I have to take him. I’m out of chances, even the ones I made myself.

Andre thought he could send me straight home. Tried to have me packed up in a car and sent on my way. I wasn’t having it.

He may not care about the deal we have, but I do.

And that deal is what carries me across the room, stepping lightly like Madison showed me, so the borrowed stilettos on my feet don’t sound like a horse clomping its way through a barn. I get to where he sits too fast, giving me little time to plan my next move, so I end up standing there awkwardly.

Which seems to amuse him, lifting one side of his full lips in a smirk.

He doesn’t think I can do this.

Will do it.

But Andre doesn’t realize how much is on the line for me.

I keep my eyes on his as I slowly lower to the floor, going to my knees in front of him.

The smile slips from his mouth, taking any trace of humor with it. The new expression pinching his admittedly handsome face is something I can’t quite place. It’s not anger. Not frustration.

The fact that I can’t recognize it makes me hope that maybe it’s lust.

The possibility makes me a little braver. Brave enough to rest my hands on his knees as I stare up at him from my spot between his thighs.

The heat of his skin sinks into my palms through the smooth fabric of his expensive suit, reminding me that he’s just a man.
