Page 12 of Judgment

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And, according to Madison, men are easy.

I almost smile as my brain finally decides to remember at least a few of the things she drilled into it. The sudden epiphany is like an anchor in choppy waters. I’m still rocking, but at least I’m no longer careening toward shore, facing an impending crash.

Now I have a chance of survival.

Madison told me to lick my lips a lot, so I do, carefully running just the tip of my tongue along the edges as I slide my hands up his thighs, keeping my eyes on his.

That’s another thing Madison tried to beat into my head.

Watch him. Pay attention to every move. Every breath. Every flinch.

And then use what you learn against him.

I force my focus to stay on Andre’s face as I slowly move my hands higher, the racing of my heart making it almost impossible to breathe.

That has to be from fear. Definitely not anticipation.

I’ve never done anything like this before, most certainly not with a man like the one in front of me now.

Andre has an intensity unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Maybe that’s just from maturity because he’s definitely older than me.

Or maybe it’s due to the life he lives. Yvonne told us about the kind of men who frequent her auction. She made it very clear that we would need to tread lightly and understand the importance of discretion, so I knew the man who took me home would be dangerous, I just didn’t really anticipate him looking quite like Andre does.

Now that I have no choice but to look at his face, it’s impossible not to notice how well assembled it is. Strong brow, sharp jaw, and thick lashes surrounding the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen. Even the slightly crooked line of his regal nose is attractive.

There’s no reason a man like this needs to purchase company, which only drives home how imperative it is that I do this and do it well.

My fingertips reach his waistband, and I barely dip them under the edge as I feel my way toward the button I have to somehow undo without fumbling.

Andre made it clear he’s not interested in an inexperienced woman, which raises even more questions about why we are where we are, but wondering about it won’t do me any good.

The only thing that will help me is proving that while I might not be experienced, I can still make him feel good.


The rapid beat of my heart seems to climb higher in my throat as I work the smooth button loose. It slips free easily, forcing my fingers to the zipper below. The sound of the teeth raking open seems to echo in the silence of the room. Once it’s down, I grasp each side of his pants and spread them open, glancing down just long enough to see the waistband of his briefs. Then my eyes are back on his face, hoping for some sort of reaction as my fingers slip under the elastic.

But Andre doesn’t react at all, definitely not with the shock I was hoping for. His unwavering gaze still holds the exact same intensity it did when I reached my knees.

It’s disappointing, but at least he’s not still trying to get me to leave, so hopefully things are heading in the right direction.

The heat of his body is a little surprising as my hand dips farther into his Calvin Klein’s. I wasn’t really expecting that, considering his disinterest in me in general.

The tips of my fingers brush against him and I suck in a sharp breath.

He’s hard.

Very hard.

Maybe Andre is more into this than he let on.

The discovery makes me a little braver. Brave enough that I grip his underwear with one hand, stretch it away from his body, and pull him free.

I know I’m supposed to be looking at his face, but the second my eyes land on the thick length of his cock, I can’t seem to pull them away.

Of course I’ve seen a dick before. Men pull them out at Platinum all the time, thinking we will be impressed enough to accept whatever lewd offers they’re making.

It never works.
