Page 124 of Judgment

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My heart stops as I come face to face with Frederick.

“What are you doing here?” I lean back against the bathroom door, trying to put as much space between us as possible.

“I came to collect what was supposed to be mine.” He shifts to one side so I can see where Julian is crumpled on the floor. “And we can make this as easy or as difficult as you want.” He swings one hand toward where Julian lies motionless, pointing the barrel of the pistol in his grip directly at the new father’s head.

“I’ll come with you.” The decision is surprisingly easy.

My mother’s life is over whether I’m here or not, but Julian has a wife and son he needs to live for.

And my mother would be devastated if I chose what was left of her life over all of his.

“See?” Frederick smiles at me as he reaches out to grip my arm, his touch turning my stomach. “I knew you were smart.”

* * *


I CHECK MY watch again,silently counting the minutes since Paisley and Julian left.

This time Victor’s gaze meets mine. “How long has she been gone?”

“Seven minutes.”

It doesn’t sound like that long, but right now every minute matters to Paisley. She wouldn’t spend this many away from her mother.

I stand up. “I’m going to go see what’s taking so long.”

I know she doesn’t want me to leave her mother’s side, but right now Rhonda isn’t my top priority.

And I know Paisley’s mother would want it that way.

“I’ll come with you.” Victor stands. “I need to move around.”

We’ve been holding vigil at Rhonda’s bedside for hours and could have hours left to go.

Maybe even days, though that would require a move to hospice that I’m not sure Paisley’s mother is physically capable of making.

I focus on Madison. “We’ll be right back. Stay here.”

I don’t mind the hours sitting with Paisley tucked on my lap, but the past few minutes have been torture.

She’s suffering. At least if she’s within reach I can stroke her skin. Touch her hair. Do whatever I can to let her know I’m here for her. Give her anything I can to help ease her suffering.

Victor and I move out into the main area of the ICU, glancing around for any sign of the closest bathroom. I pause as we pass the nurses station and find out she directed Paisley to one just around the corner a few minutes ago. I follow the nurse’s directions, ready to get Paisley back at my side.

But when I turn the corner it becomes evident something is very wrong.

Victor rushes to where Julian lies on the floor of the empty hallway, dropping down beside him as I race into the women’s bathroom.

“Paisley.” I shove open the stall doors as I move down the line, but there’s no sign of her.

I run out and cross into the men’s room, just in case she ran there for safety, but it is equally empty.

When I come back out Victor is helping Julian sit up. He’s bleeding from a wound on his left temple and his skin is pale.

“Frederick.” He fights the name out before his eyes close again.

“Get him help.” I take off down the hall, pushing through the fire door leading to the stairs, taking them as fast as I can in the hope that there’s some way I can beat them to the exit. I rush through the main level, searching for any sign of Paisley.
