Page 45 of Judgment

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I wish I wasn’t thinking about the night in his office. It wasn’t one of my finer moments.

But I was desperate.

And maybe I still am, because I would do it again.

Right now.

Just to hear Andre tell me what a good girl I am, even though I know it’s not the truth.

“Or are you thinking of something else?” Andre nips at the lobe of my ear and my thighs clench together as a whimper slips free.

Andre hums as his mouth moves against my skin. “I think that’s it. You’re not thinking of what you did to me. You’re thinking of what I will do to you.”

I suck on his thumb as it presses deep between my lips, driven by a desperation I can’t name.


“Maybe I’ll come to see you at Platinum tonight. Take you to a private room and lick your pretty pussy while they watch us on the cameras.”

My whole body clenches at the image he’s laying out for me. Heat races through my veins and my nipples pull tight as I shift in the seat, searching for some kind of friction to ease the ache he’s creating.

“Has your cunt ever been licked, Duchess?” When I don’t immediately respond, his thumb slides out of my mouth and his hand curves under my chin to bracket around my throat. “Answer me.”

My face is hot. Whether it’s from embarrassment or the other, more problematic, way I’m feeling is anyone’s guess. “No.”

A low rumble moves through Andre’s chest. He almost sounds pleased. “Has anyone made you come?”

“I have.” My eyes fly open.

I can’t believe I admitted that to him, but my thoughts are all over the place and I didn’t realize I was saying it until it was already out.

Andre makes another low rumbling noise. “Did you touch yourself after you sucked my cock?”

I squeeze my eyes closed, shame biting at my insides.

I’ve worked so hard to be good. To avoid the labels my mother carries.

Even when I stood on that stage, letting Yvonne sell what I’d worked so hard to maintain, I still felt like I was good.

Because I was only there because I didn’t have any other choice.

But I did have a choice when I got myself off to the thought of Andre’s face strained with the pleasure I gave him.

It’s a secret I never intended to share with anyone, definitely not him.

“Tell me.” His tone is sharp and demanding and it pulls the truth from my lips.

“Yes.” It barely comes out as a whisper, but I know he heard it because this time the sound that comes from his chest is a growl, low and feral and terrifying in a way that makes every inch of me throb with a need I’ve ignored forever.

“What time will you be at Platinum?”

Is he serious? Does he really want to come there and—


“I don’t work tonight. I’m off.” I should be relieved. Thrilled that I won’t immediately be faced with the scenario Andre offered up.

But I can’t make myself pretend the thought of Andre touching me isn’t appealing.
