Page 51 of Judgment

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But I see it in their eyes.

Victor stares at me, accusation and disgust in his glare, but his lips don’t move.

“That’s what I thought.” I use my hold on his shirt to shove him away. “Get out of my sight.”

Victor doesn’t bother straightening the twisted fabric of his button-up as his judging gaze moves over me. “You could at least pretend like you care what happened to him. He lost his fucking life because of you.”

I shove the hand still holding my gun toward the door. “Get out.” He doesn’t move and the grip I have on my patience snaps. “Get the fuck out before they have to carry you out.”

There’s still no fear in Victor’s expression. Only repugnance.

And deep down I know I deserve it.

But not for the reasons he thinks.

I stare after him as he finally leaves, abandoning me to the emptiness I chose.

The isolation that will always be waiting for me because it’s the only way.

I drop down into my chair, staring across the room in the suffocating silence.

It shouldn’t bother me. It never has before.

But right now the quiet makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

I grab my phone, thumbing through the screens until the map I’ve been watching is displayed once again, that fucking green dot staring back at me. Taunting me.

She lied. Easily.

And probably thinks she’ll get away with it.

Victor thinks he knows so fucking much, but he doesn’t know anything. Not about how I should handle Frederick.

Not about how I’m interacting with Paisley.

And not about what happened to Sebastian.

I shove my phone in my pocket as I stride through the office and out toward the elevator, snagging the keys to my car as I leave.

Everyone wants to have an opinion about what I’m doing, so maybe it’s time for them to be in the dark.

* * *

“GOOD EVENING, MR. VALINOV.”The blonde woman is once again standing in my way, blocking my entry to Platinum.

“Are you here to assign me a babysitter again?” I tuck one hand into the pocket of my pants to hide the clench of my fist. I don’t like other people having power over me, and unfortunately right now this woman does. “Because I would appreciate it if you hurried that process up. I’d like to get a table before they’re all taken.”

Her lips work in an odd little smile. “I’m sure you would.” She tips her head toward one of the large men lined around the edge of the club. “Carlos will be your companion for the evening.” The smile on her face twists into a smirk. “Not that I think he will be the only company you enjoy tonight.” Carlos reaches my side and the woman turns her attention to him. “Take Mr. Valinov to table four. I believe that is where he will enjoy himself the most.”

She seems a little too happy to see me.

“You’re not telling me something.” I study the woman a little closer. “What is it?”

“Enjoy your evening, Mr. Valinov.” She ignores my question completely, turning away as a rowdy group comes through the door.

I want to stay and make her tell me what she knows, but I don’t want to spend another evening sitting in a random chair instead of at a table, so I turn to the frowning man tasked with attending me. “Shall we?”

He doesn’t respond, just crosses his arms and stares down his nose at me.
