Page 83 of Judgment

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“He likes you, Paisley.” Madison stops in the hallway, turning to face me, her expression serious. “In a real way.”

“Andre just likes what I can offer him.” I try to sound convincing, but I can’t quite make myself believe it.

He’s said from the beginning that this thing between us is nothing more than a plan, and for a while I believed it.

But I’m starting to notice there’s a difference between what Andre says and what he does, and that’s why I did what I did this morning.

To see if he really is as ruthless as he claims.

Andre didn’t disappoint me, but he sure as hell added to the confusion I’m trying to wade through.

“Duchess.” Andre’s voice makes me jump as it carries in from the living room. “My office.”

“That’s my cue to leave.” Madison gives me a wicked grin. “I can only imagine what he wants you to offer him right now.”

I push her toward the elevator. “I’m not offering him anything. I have to go to work.”

Madison lifts her brows. “I don’t think that’s going to go over well.”

I push the button to open the doors. “You said that already.”

Madison steps into the elevator and turns to face me. “You better still hang out with me when he makes you quit Platinum.” She leans to one side and looks over my shoulder. “Hi, Andre.”

I turn to find him standing in the doorway to his office. He tips his head at Madison as the elevator doors close. His black eyes come to rest on me, dragging down the sweatshirt and jeans I dug out of one of the cardboard boxes delivered to Andre’s room while I was in the shower. “She was welcome to stay.”

“Thank you, but I have to get ready for work.” I pull my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and check the time. “Actually, I need to start getting ready now.” I shove the phone back in place as I go to Andre’s room. I lean into the biggest box where my uniforms for the diner are stashed. I dig through the pile of clothes, but none of the shirts or pants I wear to Nadine’s are where I know I put them.

I go to the other box and yank open the flaps.

“You won’t find what you’re looking for.”

I straighten to glare at where Andre stands in the doorway. “Where are they?”

“Gone.” He steps into the room. “You don’t need them anymore.”

I scoff, more shocked by this than I should be. “You said I could keep my jobs. You promised.”

“I lied, Paisley.” He looks at me like I’m the problematic one. “I told you. I’m not a nice man.”

“I can’t just not show up for work, Andre.” I shove one of the boxes before stalking his way. “They’re counting on me to be there for my shift.”

“While your sense of responsibility is commendable, I think the donation I made when I told your boss you were quitting will help ease their suffering.”

I lean back, looking over this man I thought I was starting to understand. “You can’t quit my job for me.”

“I can and I did.” He tucks one hand into his pocket, like this is a casual conversation. “You don’t need to be there with people I don’t trust.”

I roll my eyes at that because it’s fucking ridiculous. “Are you still all butthurt about Marcus? I promise you he doesn’t have any interest in me.”

Andre is suddenly very close to me, crowding my body with his. “I saw how he looked at you and I can tell you with absolute certainty he’s thought about what it would be like to drive his cock between your thighs.” He wraps one hand around my neck as he backs me across the room. “And I didn’t kill him for it as a favor to you, but I will not allow it to continue.” My back bumps the wall, pinning me between it and the hard plane of Andre’s body. “You are mine, Paisley.”

I don’t have a chance to react before his mouth crushes against mine, stealing my breath and my senses.

His hands are rough and hard as they move over me, yanking at the waistband of my pants, fighting the button and zipper before stabbing inside, fingers unyielding as they push between my thighs to sink into my body.

“I hate your fucking virginity, Duchess.” His lips stay on mine, moving as he grinds out the harsh words. “You need to be fucked until you understand who you belong to.” His probing fingers move fast and almost violently as his thumb rubs at my clit. “So hard that you remember it every time you sit down the next day.”

I grab onto him, holding tight as my legs threaten to send me crashing to the floor. I want to tell him to just do it.
