Page 91 of Judgment

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So I did everything I could to be good. To make sure no one ever looked at me the way they looked at her.

That meant no red lipstick. No earrings.

“But you do have a lovely neck.” Yvonne gives me a smile that makes me squirm. “One I’m sure Andre would be more than happy to adorn.”

Does she know how much I like Andre’s hand on my neck?

How much I like the possessive way he holds me when we—

Dagmar slowly smiles. “I imagine Andre would be happy to adorn any part of this young lady that he is lucky enough to provide for.” She focuses on me. “Tell Andre I will be in touch.” Then she turns away, leaving me feeling dismissed from her presence.

I look to where Yvonne stands, expecting to follow her back to Andre’s side, but she’s gone.

Panic sends me spinning, scanning the room in search of him, but it seems like there’s more people around me than there were before, making it impossible to get my eyes on anything but the wall of bodies blocking me in.

I try to push my way through them but end up being forced to move through gaps as they become available, winding me away from Dagmar, but no closer to Andre.

“You look lost, love.”

I recognize that voice and it sends a shiver down my spine.

How did I once find it warm and friendly?

I turn to face the man who seems to keep showing up wherever I am.

It can’t be a coincidence. Not at this point. He’s seeking me out for a reason.

And I don’t want to know what that reason is.

Show them why it’s you at my side.

It’s what Andre wants and right now it might be the thing that will get me back to him fastest, so I stand taller, lifting my chin as I hold the man’s cool gaze.

“Not lost. Just mingling.” I reach out and snag a fresh glass of champagne from the tray as one of the waiters walks past, managing to swallow some down without choking as proof that I’m perfectly comfortable.

“I’m surprised Andre let you out of his sight.” The man comes closer to me and it takes everything I have not to back away.

“Oh.” That’s all I offer him.

Andre is very good at keeping his mouth shut and maybe I should be too.

I don’t like the thought of this man knowing anything about me, about Andre, so the less I say to him the better.

The man’s eyes skim down my body, a smirk twisting his lips, and for the first time tonight I feel like I’m being judged. “I knew you were beautiful, but I wasn’t expecting you to be smart.” He reaches out to try to touch me and I lean away.

I don’t want his hands on my skin, even if it makes me look scared.

He lifts a brow. “You don’t actually like him, do you?”

I won’t be answering him. How I feel about Andre is none of his business.

“Let me give you some advice, Duchess.” He leans in close, his breath hot on my ear. “Andre doesn’t give a shit about you. He will throw you away once you’ve served your purpose, just like he did with Sebastian.”

I sip at my champagne, shocked that my hand isn’t shaking, continuing to not respond to anything he says.

“Leave him.” The man tips his head, catching my eyes with his. “Come home with me.”

That’s not going to happen. And not just because the thought of it makes me almost positive I might yet barf in this place.
