Page 1 of Save Me

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It was all I had thought about sincethatday. I knew I would have to wait, but that was okay. I was a patient man. I would strike when the time was right.

And that time was now.

“Boss, are you ready to go? The plane is fueled up and all set.” My right-hand man and best friend Simon came into my office.

I turned from the window I had been standing at, looking out over the city of New York. It was evening and I never got tired of seeing the lights of the city beneath me. I had built my empire here but now it spanned the globe. On the surface, it looked like I had it all, but I couldn’t getherand what she had done to me out of my mind.

“I’m ready,” I nodded and took my hands from my pockets. I buttoned my suit jacket and checked my phone for any last-minute emails or messages. I was leaving things in good hands, so I wasn’t concerned and I was always a phone call or text away.

I followed Simon to the elevator and down to the first floor where he had a car waiting for us. Thankfully traffic cooperated and we made it to the airport quickly. Simon tried to make small talk, but I wasn’t interested. After a few curt answers, he got the idea that I was better left alone.

The car pulled up near the plane on the private strip and we got out. After exchanging a few words with my pilot, we boarded.

“Are you sure about this?” Simon asked as we waited to take off.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m sure.” I opened a magazine on my lap, signaling to him this conversation was over.

I never read the magazine, anxious to get to our destination. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back in my seat. I drifted off to sleep and found myself dreaming of her - the object of my hate and my revenge. And my desire.

Her green eyes have haunted me since high school. I would see them all the time when I closed my eyes. That and her long blonde hair that looked like spun silk and I bet felt just as good. Not that she would have ever let me touch it to find out.

The descent of the plane caused me to wake up from my light slumber. I glanced out the window to see the obnoxious lights of Las Vegas below me. I hated this city. While New York was a city of class, I could almost smell the desperation of the people in Las Vegas every time I visited. It didn’t surprise me she was living in such a place.

“Do you have all the information we need?” I noticed a folder on Simon’s lap. I had left him in charge of finding her. Of course, he hadn’t disappointed me. He was my right-hand man for a reason.

“I do.” He tapped the folder in front of him. “Do you want to check in first or go see her?”

“Let’s go see her.” I didn’t want to waste any more time to put my plan into action.

We landed on a private airstrip in Las Vegas and there was a car waiting for us. Simon gave the driver the location of where we were going before we got in. He poured me a small glass of scotch that was in the car and I gladly took it. I hated to admit it, but the very idea of seeing her made me nervous and feeling like I was that geek back in high school people laughed at.

But he was long gone and I was here to show her what she missed. I was going to put her in her place.

We pulled up in front of a club and the driver indicated we had arrived at our destination. I got out and looked around. There was no sign on the door and no one in the parking lot.

I’d been shocked when Simon had told me Charlotte was being featured in an auction. He did his homework and assured me it was all consensual, although he got the impression most of the participants were probably desperate for money. I don’t know how she found something like this and I was even more surprised Simon found her here.

I paused and looked around. “Are we even in the right place, Simon?”

“Yes, sir.” He nodded his head firmly and led us inside. There was a burly man once we made it to the entryway. Simon went to talk to him and in a few moments, the man opened another door. There was a small hallway and an elevator. The man took us to the elevator and pressed the button. When we got on and the door closed. Neither of us spoke as we rode to our destination.

This was interesting. The most popular girl in school, the one voted most likely to succeed, the one who dated the captain of the football team was now auctioning herself off? Karma really was a bitch.

“Shall we go inside?” When the elevator doors finally opened, Simon held his arm out towards the door and we went inside. He talked to another security guy before we went through a second set of doors. It was dark and my eyes took a second to adjust before I could get a good look around.

There were tables and booths all around the room, filled with men who had money like me. There were Rolex watches and designer suits. I think I even recognized a politician or two.

This whole thing was fascinating to me. I’d never heard of people doing this before and I could only imagine the shady clientele that was here. I don’t know how Simon got us a spot, and I didn't ask. It was his job to do certain things and I wouldn’t have to know about them.

It almost made me giddy to think of her so desperate to auction herself off. To be honest I also felt a little bit of pity. It was almost too good to be true.

We found a table that was in the middle of the crowd - close enough to get a decent look at the stage but far enough away to not be noticed. We sat down and ordered a drink from a girl that barely looked eighteen and was wearing little more than dental floss.
