Page 3 of Save Me

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Not that I cared about her. Not like that anymore anyway.

No, I was here for revenge, although I started to see the full effects of karma, that's for sure. I don't think anyone would have imagined the head cheerleader would be auctioning herself off to the highest bidder in a room full of criminals and dirty politicians. I had to fight back an evil laugh at the whole thing.

We entered the room and I found her in the back corner. She had a fake smile on her face, but I could tell she was hating every second of this. At least that told me she had some morals and sense of dignity left.

The room had booths with high walls on the side, but as we walked by them, we could see what was happening at each one. Some men already had their women in their laps and their hands up their skirts. I heard cries of protest and a few of pleasure. The whole scene turned me on more than I cared to admit.

We stopped at an empty booth and I sat down. Simon went to the corner to get Charlotte. I watched them talk briefly before Simon put his hand on the small of her back and guided her over to us. While I knew he meant no harm, I would have to remind him to keep his hands off of mine.

“Hi,” she said shyly as she sat down. I nodded at Simon to get us a drink from the bar over in the corner.

“Hello.” I wasn’t sure what to say next. I’d never bought a woman before, much less one I had a crush on in high school that I now wanted to destroy.

“My name is Charlotte. Are you from around here?”

“I’m not.” I shook my head. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to give her my name just yet. “We’ll be leaving after we have a drink. My plane is at the airport.

Her red painted lips opened in surprise “You have your own plane?”

“I do,” I replied with a small smile. I had been so sure about my plans when we were on our way here, but now that I was alone with Charlotte, I was taken back to high school and a ball of nerves at the thought of being alone with her. I couldn’t stop staring at her killer body. She was hot in high school, and her body hadn’t changed a bit. Her tits were as gorgeous as I dreamed about when I was jacking off in my bed at night.

I fantasized about her every night in high school until the day she humiliated me. I would stroke my cock and think about touching those pert tits, sucking the nipples into my mouth. Then I would think about what she felt like between her legs, wondering if she shaved herself bare. I wondered what she tasted like and how I would make her come again and again against my face. Finally, right before I would shoot all over my stomach, I would think about what it was like to bury my cock balls deep in her pussy. She would wrap her body around me and beg me to fuck her. I would always come so hard.

Now she was mine and my plan for revenge was in action. I hadn’t expected this to be so easy and I was going to have to alter my original plan, but I could still make it work. I was good at thinking on the fly. I did it every day in my business and this was no different.

Simon brought our drinks over and we sat in silence while we finished them, listening to the sounds around us. I cringed when I heard a girl scream and Charlotte gasped. “I think that was that one guy - the one that bid on me. He was scary. Thank you for out bidding him.”

I simply nodded in return. She was naive to think she shouldn't be scared of me as well. My cock was rock hard just from sitting here with her. She still was the most gorgeous woman I’d seen. Despite the fact that I hated her, I still wanted to fuck her. I wanted her beneath me, begging me to take her.

Soon, I planned to do just that. One way or another, I was going to find out if she really felt as good as I had imagined years ago.



Ihad no idea who this guy was who bought me, but I knew he had money and lots of it. He paid more money than I would ever see in my lifetime. I could pay back my ex’s debt and still have so much left over to start a new life.

I told myself over and over to look at this like a job. The man sitting by me was not bad to look at. And maybe he was a good lover. Lord knows I could use one of those. My ex only thought about himself. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t even touch me. I’d heard sometimes men just need some arm candy to take places. I wanted to ask his intentions with me, but was too scared.

I didn’t have much of a life outside of work, so no one would miss me. I didn’t have any friends and I sure as hell didn’t date. After the shit my ex put me through that landed me in this mess, I had no interest in a man for a long time, if ever again. I probably wouldn’t be able to find a quality man anyway. I was okay with that though. I spent what little free time I had in my apartment, reading or watching Netflix.

Now I had this high roller seated before me and he intrigued me. I didn’t notice him checking out any other girls in the room - just me. He didn’t say much and had his friend or colleague or hell, maybe he was his bodyguard, do all the talking for him.

He was dressed in an Armani suit that was worth more than my car when it was brand new and I noticed the Rolex on his wrist. He carried wads of cash. He was hotter than hell too. From the way he filled out that suit, it was obvious he worked out. I was guessing he ran and did some boxing or MMA fighting, probably with that other guy he came with. He smelled like a combination of the outdoors and soap. From what I could tell, he wasn’t high or drunk either. He had a drink back at the table, but I noticed he didn’t take a sip of it and it was as full as it was when he first got it.

Maybe he had some weird sexual quirks. We ran into a lot of that in Vegas. I’d heard all kinds of stories from my fellow waitresses. They always told me it was the most ‘normal’ looking guys that were the freakiest.

There were some sounds of pleasure coming from the table next to us and I knew he was turned on; I could see his erection. After listening to them, I had to admit I was even turned on a little.

His blue eyes were dark with desire, almost like the color of the sky before a storm. His breathing had gotten shallow and there was a damp spot where the pre-cum had leaked from his cock.

He pulled me onto his lap now, making me straddle him. I gasped when I felt his hands on my tits, cupping them. He grabbed my pierced nipples and tugged gently, sending a bolt of desire to my clit. For the first time in a long time, I was turned on. And by a stranger, no less.

I circled my hips, rubbing my pussy against his cock, our gazes locked together. I was wearing a tiny thong under my short dress and I could feel how hard he was. He placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled it down to his mouth. “I want you to come for me, Charlotte.” His words were barely a whisper. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, listening to the erotic sounds near us. Against my better judgment, I wanted to come for him as well.

I moved my hips to the beat of the woman’s moans. One of his hands was on my hip, guiding my movements while the other played with my piercings. My ex convinced me to get them and at this moment, I was never more thankful.

My movements quickened while the pleasure built deep in my womb. I was wound tight and my fingers clenched the back of the chair. He bent his head forward and nipped at my neck. I opened my mouth in a silent scream as my climax ripped through me. My head fell back while I rode out my pleasure on him, my body shuddering with each ripple of my orgasm.
