Page 15 of Raven's Crown

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As Raven replayed his words, she had a sudden thought. “Wait a minute. If kindred spirits recognize each other, why did my mom connect with Lavinia almost immediately? Oh shit!”

Dexter’s laughter could be heard throughout the room. “Yeah. I was wondering when that would hit you. I admit, there’s a lot to learn. Are you ready to wear the crown your Father will hand over to you in a few years?”

Shaking her head as she looked around the room at the people gathered, she glanced up at the man by her side. “Will you be by my side when he does?”


Raven couldn’t help but think this trip back to show Shularia was meant to be. “With you standing next to me? Yes, I am. My only hope is that it doesn’t come anytime soon. Plus, I think I’m going to have Lavinia give me some private lessons.”

“Smart move, Princess.”

~ FIN ~

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Keep swiping to read an excerpt fromDark Angel, Max and Kiana’s love story.

Dark Angel


Maxwell Bishop was the man with a plan, and nothing—and no one—would get in the way of what he wanted. Until the day Kiana Moore walked into his life. Her beauty made him pause. Her kindness made him want to claim her. She was supposed to be off-limits. He was supposed to respect boundaries. Pursuing her could bring his perfect world crumbling down around him. In the end, none of that mattered. He wanted her, and he would do whatever it took to have her.

To keep her sanity, and her job, Kiana Moore needed to stay away from Maxwell Bishop. No matter how much she tried to deny her desire for him, she couldn’t get him out of her mind. His lips beckoned her closer, teasing her with his sinful smile. His deep voice seduced her with every word he spoke. She had to resist him, even if it was the last thing she wanted to do. Her livelihood was at risk. Her reputation could be ruined. Then again, none of that mattered. Maxwell wanted her, and she knew he wouldn’t stop until she was his.

When need and desire can no longer be denied, just how far will he go to claim his woman? Maxwell always gets what he wants. He’ll let nothing get in the way of convincing Kiana they belong together.


Waking up to the warmth of the sun streaming through his bedroom window, Maxwell Bishop opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a woman’s naked back as she slumbered. Beautiful chestnut-colored skin lay atop his all-white sheets. The sight made him smile.

His lady. His Kiana.

Rubbing one hand down her bareback, he trailed his fingers along her smooth skin until he reached the curve of her hips. Moaning low as his fingers kneaded her soft flesh, he couldn’t help but think about sinking inside her again. His member thickened as he replayed the events of last night.

After dinner at his favorite restaurant, they’d returned to his house in the suburbs. Within minutes of entering, he’d had her against the wall, her dress pulled over her hips. She’d yelped in surprise when he tore her panties from her body, throwing them to the side. The material of her skintight dress pulled and stretched as his hands yanked the material under her beautiful, perfectly sized breasts.

“Damn. You’re so fucking beautiful,” Max whispered in Kiana’s ear before biting down on the soft flesh of her ear. “I can’t get enough of you.” Kissing her neck, he nipped at the skin. “Let me in.”

“Max.” Her tone breathless, Kiana turned to look at him and smiled. “You want this?”

“You know I do. Say the words, baby.” He’d almost resorted to begging.

Since he’d picked her up from her apartment three hours ago, he’d been waiting for this moment. When he had her all to himself, away from all the crowds and people vying for his attention. Time alone with his woman was all he needed. When he could sink inside her so deep, he didn’t know where he ended, and she began.

“Give me the words.”

“If you want it, then you have to take it.”

Her words unleashed the beast inside of him. Releasing his weeping cock, he pressed against the wetness of her pussy. His cock slid inside like a hot knife slicing butter, and it felt like heaven. A loud hiss released from his lips as he felt every inch of her body open for him. Her whimpers and moans reminded him of the sweetest, most beautiful music to his ears.
