Page 7 of Raven's Crown

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Raven glanced at his thick cock as it dripped precum. She bit her lip in anticipation. The feeling him slide inside her body. If Dexter thought he needed to convince her that they belong together, who was she to stop him? Especially when his methods were just the thing she needed.

“I was so afraid when you left without a word. What if something happened to you while in transit? What would I have done then? How would I have lived without you?”

Raven reached up to grab his face in her hands. “I will never leave you like that again. I know what I did was wrong. And I promise not to do anything like that in the future.” Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pressed against his lower body, bringing him closer to the place she needed him to be. Dexter’s thick cock breached her wet, slick channel. Raven moaned at the sensation. She’d missed being with him this way. Missed this feeling of fullness, of completeness, while they’d been apart. As Dexter sank his thick member inside her body, she knew it was time to bring him up to speed on what was happening with her family. But Raven knew that conversation would take place later. Much, much later.

Dexter hips rolled with every deep thrust inside her body. The man seemed to be in no rush to get to the finish line, but that’s exactly what Raven had been hoping for. She wanted this to last. The two of them needed to reconnect.

“Fuck. Damn. Oh, my God.” She couldn’t help the words coming out of her mouth. It felt too good to stop now. The man knew how to make her scream. He knew just what areas to touch on her body, where to place his soft lips, and how to stroke her deep enough, to make her moan in ecstasy.

“Yes, Baby.” Dexter’s sexy voice whispered in her ear on every downstroke. “You’re mine, Raven. You were meant for me.”

Raven could do nothing but nod her head in response, words would not have been possible. Dexter seemed unstoppable and continued fucking her for what seemed like hours. He placed her body in different positions, as if unable to stop making love to her. Raven orgasmed over and over again. He rode her hard, then flipped them, placing her on top and forced her to take control.

“That’s it, Princess. This is what I want to see every night when I go to bed.” His hands reached up and grabbed her breasts, kneading the flesh as he rolled his hips underneath her.

A thin layer of perspiration appeared on his skin. Dexter continued to move his hips as she chased after another orgasm. As Raven’s eyes focused in on his, she felt the stiff power of his steel-like shaft as it plunged inside her body. He was so hard, and at that moment, she knew that having his dick inside of her was the most wonderful feeling in the world. As they both careened towards their release, Raven felt her body seize just before pleasure rolled through her. As they both tried to catch their breath, Raven lay down on his chest. Her eyes began to close as the energy left her body. There would be plenty of time afterward for them to deal with the shitstorm circling around them.



Later that night, they were having dinner in the family’s private dining area within the family residence. Raven thought this day would never come, having both her parents and Dexter in the same room, having dinner. Of course, she’d always hoped this would be the endgame for them, but life had a way of throwing curveballs.

“So, tell me more about yourself,” King Hans directed his question at Dexter.

Raven was positive that her father had already ordered a full background check on him. His question was more than likely unnecessary, but she knew her father. He was testing Dexter. He wanted to see how he handles himself. Usually, she would be okay with this line of questioning, but she didn’t like her father digging into Dexter’s past. Not that he had anything to hide, but she wanted to go into this relationship with him without having her family delve into every aspect of his life. There had would be some things they learned about each other naturally. Things she didn’t want to read on a twenty-page report delivered to her by her family’s security team.

Just as Raven was about to interject, Dexter wiped his mouth with his napkin and began to speak. “What would you like to know?”

Raven’s father glanced at her mother, a smirk on his face. “Well, you seem quite cozy with our daughter.”

Raven eyed her father with the glare. “Stop it, Father. Mom? Please help me out here. You know how Dad can get.”

Her mother glanced sideways at the man she’d been married to for more than thirty years. From the look on her face, Raven knew no help was coming from her mom. Her parents were in cahoots, as usual.

“Well, Raven, I agree with your father. I’m interested in knowing this young man’s intentions with you. I mean, the two of you did spend the entire afternoon locked away in the Rose Garden guesthouse.”

Warmth flushed Raven’s cheeks. She knew exactly what her mother was alluding to. Raven’s gaze turned to Dexter, hoping he had not picked up on the message her mother was sending. Unfortunately for her, the look on Dexter’s face told a different story. He knew exactly what Raven’s mother meant. Dropping her head in her hands, Raven groaned in embarrassment. She knew the gesture wasn’t ladylike nor befitting a member of the royal family, but it was how she felt. Dinner was quickly turning into a damned three-ring circus, with her parents as the Masters of Ceremony.

“Raven? Everything okay?” Dexter’s voice called out to her. Splaying her fingers apart, she peeked through the opening to look at him. At his smile, Raven removed her hands from her face. Rolling her eyes at him, she sat up straight. She reached out her hand to grab her wine glass, taking a sip before she dared speak again. “Are you going to the dark side, too? Don’t let these two fool you,” she said, motioning toward her parents. “They may be the King and Queen of a country, but they're still parents. Sneaky ones at that.”

“Sweetheart, have you forgotten where I grew up?” Glancing at her parents while they sat across from each other sporting broad grins, Dexter raised his glass in a silent toast. “Your parents not only love you, but they need to make sure I’m the right person for you. The right person to stand by your side. You are the next Queen, after all. So,” he paused to take another sip of his drink, “I understand your father’s question, and I’m happy to answer him.”

Raven forgot her parents were in the room for a moment. “Dexter, I know you’re the right man for me. You’ve been by my side for more than a year. You never cared about my crown or what doors I could open for you. You loved me unconditionally, even when I questioned your motives at the beginning. In all the time we’ve been together, I can honestly say when I’m with you, I’m simply Raven. I never forgot my place in society, but I also never had to worry about who I was to you, or my role in your life. My parents will see what I see in you. And when they do, I know they’ll love you as much as I do.”

Dexter’s eyes reflected his need for her. She’d seen that look on his face numerous times before, and it always ended with her screaming his name as he thrust inside her hard and deep. Raven squirmed in her seat, knowing that once dinner was over and they were able to retire, Dexter could pick up where they left off earlier that afternoon.

“Speaking of our future, you never answered my question earlier.” Dexter placed one arm on the back of her chair. His other hand grabbed her smaller one, rubbing his thumb along the back of her hand. “I came here for a reason, Raven. Unless you tell me to leave, I plan to make you my wife. And even if you tried to make me leave, I know that you wouldn’t really want me to go. Sweetheart, I will do everything in my power to convince you that we belong together. I’m never giving up on you, no matter how far you run.”

Queen Vivian’s loud gasp sounded in the room, causing Raven to turn and look at her. Wetness pooled in the older woman’s eyes as she stared at the younger couple. “Oh, my baby.” The soft voice was a bit wobbly. To hear her mother’s voice sound this way was surprising at first but Raven understood the magnitude of the moment.

“Vivian, my love. Don’t cry. This is a joyous occasion for our little girl.” Her father leaned over to her mother wiping his thumb under her eyes, scooping up the loose tear that had fallen.

Raven nodded her own head at her parents before looking at Dexter. “Was there any doubt that I’d say yes?”

Dexter’s face went neutral. “Yes, baby, there was. When you came home, doubt reared its ugly head.” Shaking his head derisively, he continued. “What else was I supposed to think? Someone who didn’t know better would have thought you no longer loved him. I guess it’s a good thing. I knew better.”

Raven looked into his eyes, then turned to her parents. “It’s time.” At their nods of acknowledgment, she turned to the guards strategically placed around the room. “We need the room.” Softening her words with a smile, she tilted her head in acknowledgment to each man as they exited the room, closing the doors behind them.
