Page 37 of Moonlight Plucking

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See, I know what it’s like to be at the bottom, but my pride and ego wouldn’t let me stay there.

Turning my gaze to where Bryce was looking, my eyes homed in on the vision in front of me, and everything around me stopped. Including the breath in my lungs. My drink was halfway to my mouth when my hand paused. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

Goddamn, she was beautiful. This was one woman I definitely wanted to know better.

Laughter met my ears, but I didn’t turn to look at Bryce. “You can’t have her,” he said. His tone was light, but I wasn’t in a playing mood. “I saw her first, and I plan on doing bad things with her all night.”

“I can’t have who?” Even I could hear the deadly growl in my voice. I don’t know why I felt a surge of jealousy as I looked at the woman walking with her friend. If Bryce thought he would push me out of the way and stop me from getting what I wanted, he’d better think again.

“The blonde, of course.”

My head whipped around. “Of course?” I couldn’t help but question his words. Did he miss the stunning creature walking next to the blonde? Legs a mile long. Body like a country back road. Wavy hair hung down her back. Full, lush lips. Nah, I didn’t want the blonde. Watching her walk closer to me, well, closer to the bar, I knew my night had just gotten much more interesting.

Bryce opened his big mouth again. “Yeah, you need to find your own woman tonight.”

I ignored Bryce and his inconsequential words. That he’d passed over and dismissed the beauty walking next to the blonde was unfortunate. Then again, his preference wasn’t my concern. My gaze tracked her every move. I watched her smile at the bartender as he took her drink order. My pants tightened at the thought of having her beneath me. Yeah, things were beginning to look up in my world.

Calling over a waiter walking by, I told him what I wanted. He nodded and walked off to take care of my request.

“What did you just do?” Bryce asked, a frown on his face.

“Don’t worry about me. You can have your chosen woman. She doesn’t entice me in the least. I have… someone else who’s caught my attention.” Tipping my drink at my friend, I stared across the room as things played out. If everything went according to plan, I would have an exceptionally good night.
