Page 80 of Loving Lucia

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“He just doesn’t have the right incentive,” Angel says suddenly. “How about this, Saint. Every time you move, Victor or I will pinch your nipples. And if that’s not enough of a punishment…”

“Every time he moves, you kiss him,” Victor finishes. “Which version do you prefer, Santino? It won’t matter, of course, if you can stay perfectly still.”

“My kisses aren’t punishment,” Angel grumbles, but he’s grinning and leaning in closer. “If you want me to kiss you, I guess all you have to do is jerk your cute hips.”

Great. So he’s going to think I want him to kiss me if I move.

I’m still getting used to the idea of kissing another guy, especially Angel, and I’m not sure I could handle it—because I know I’m not going to be able to remain still with Lucia atop me. As it is, I shudder when her skilled hand works me toward an erection.

“Nipples,” I manage to say, ignoring Angel’s look of disappointment. It’s sort of… adorable, strangely, and I almost want to kiss him just for that.


Lucia rises, straightening, and looks down at me. She rubs her fingers across my mouth, and I can taste my own precum on my lips. It sends a strange jolt through me, one I’m not sure how to react to.

I watch as she goes to the coffee table, selecting a condom and a bottle of lube before circling back to us.

I strain toward her, but Angel grabs my shoulder and pushes me back against the couch. “Nope. No moving at all. Victor and I are going to keep you in line. Which… does that count as movement?”

“Lucia hasn’t truly started yet… but perhaps Santino wants to know what the punishment will feel like.” Victor slowly brings his hand to my chest, circling my nipple with his fingers. It’s a soft, gentle touch that gets my nipple to pebble. My breath hitches at the warmth and small jolts of pleasure.

“Hey. You said you’d be pinching, not… not that…” I complain.

Victor huffs in amusement. “A small warmup. I wouldn’t want to catch you unaware.”

I roll my eyes at him, about to complain that I can handle a little bit of pain, when he grabs my nipple between his nails and twists hard. I gasp at the sudden pain, which is a lot sharper than I expected.

I can’t speak until Victor finally relents and lets go. Relief floods through me.

My cock twitches, too. I hope nobody notices, but from Angel’s amused smirk and the way Lucia’s head inclines, I think they must have.

“O-okay,” I say shakily. “I get it. I won’t move.”

From the amused look Angel gives me, it’s clear they don’t believe me at all. But I’m determined. I’m not into nipple torture, no matter how much that shock of pain threatened to turn into pleasure.

Lucia tears open the condom wrapper and unrolls it onto my cock, which twitches at the feeling of her fingers on me, brief as it is. I can already imagine thrusting inside of her, except… Except that I have to stay still. I can’t move unless I want Victor and Angel double teaming my nipples.

“Now stay very, very still,” Lucia tells me, kissing the tip of my nose before she straddles me again. She poises herself just above my cock, using her hand to guide it as she starts to sink down onto me.

I jerk, a gasp tearing from my lips, and the sensation of my other nipple being twisted sends pain shooting through me. “Fuck!” I whimper, trying to force myself to remain still as Lucia takes my cock all the way inside of her.

I manage to stay still, but it’s a near thing. My hands ball up into fists at my sides, and I close my eyes as a shudder runs through me. She shivers as well, pressing her breasts against my chest.

“You feel so good,” she murmurs absently, reaching out to stroke my hair. She tugs gently, and I twitch enough to make Victor grab my nipple again.

“Fuck!” I say, trying to control my breathing as Lucia starts to fuck herself on my cock. She leans forward, angling my cock to pleasure herself exactly like she wants it, and it’s all I can do not to thrust up into her.

“Damn, you look so hot like that,” Angel says, and I don’t know if he’s talking about me or Lucia. I hope it’s about Lucia, but I start to blush regardless.

I startle—and thrust up—when a hand snakes across my stomach to play with the nipple piercing.

“I thought you were going to hold still?” Victor says. It must have been Victor’s hand.

I shake my head. “You… you knew that would happen…”

Angel twists my nipple, almost at the same time as Lucia tightens her cunt, and my vision goes white for a second. “No moving, Saint.”

It’s almost impossible to stay still, and a moan spills from my lips. They’re tormenting me and they know it, and I don’t know how this ended up putting me at the bottom of the food chain. That’s where Lucia’s supposed to be!
