Page 1 of Dealing with Kate

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When it came to matters of real estate, Kate Parker rarely got nervous. But the mere thought of her ten o’clock meeting had her in the women’s restroom, draping her arms over the upturned air dryer nozzle, attempting to ensure her armpits stayed dry.

It was imperative this interview went well. She smoothed her blond hair, making sure the ends of her long bob curled under just so, reapplied her lipstick for the tenth time, and returned to the lobby to wait.

Kate and her assistant Brooke were discreetly watching the front windows, hoping to get a glimpse of Mr. King before he came in. A little before ten, a blue Range Rover pulled into one of the front spots.

“You think that’s him?” Brooke asked as a handsome thirty-something got out. The sun reflected off the man’s short, dirty blond hair, which was spiked up and didn’t move in the wind. He wore jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt, his tanned, toned arms stretching the sleeves beyond capacity. Even from thirty feet away, Kate spotted the Tag Heuer watch he was wearing and knew they ran in the five digits. This guy had money but was way too young to be their man.

“No,” Kate said, shaking her head. “Mr. King has a huge portfolio. He’s probably been building it for years. I’m guessing he’s near seventy.”

“Ah. Is that why you had me redo the presentation binder to font size sixteen?”

“Yes. I didn’t want him to have to strain to read anything.”

“Well, hot stuff is coming this way, so he must have a real estate need. He’s yummy,” Brooke said, licking her lips. Kate chuckled.

“Okay, well, when you’re done ogling him…If he’s buying, ask Hope to help him, and if he’s selling, get Molly up here. They can talk to him in the small conference room.”

The man made his way to the door, took off his Cartier aviators, and tucked them into the neck of his T-shirt as he opened the door. All the air whooshed out of the lobby, and it had nothing to do with the aerodynamics of the room. He was just that good-looking.

“I’ll be in my office,” Kate blurted as she rushed off. She could not afford a distraction, no matter how attractive, right before this important meeting. She had to focus and be right on point.

She adjusted her skirt for the thousandth time and regretted going for style over comfort. The form-fitting, black pencil skirt was from last year and just a wee bit too tight. Damn her mother’s delicious brownies.

“Okay, Luna, we’re all set. Wish me luck,” Kate said to the tiny white fluffy dog, who was lying in a tiny pink fluffy bed next to the desk.

Luna was Kate’s sidekick. She came everywhere and did everything with Kate and was normally very well-behaved. Lately, however, she seemed to have forgotten she was potty-trained and had taken to indiscriminate peeing, which had Kate up in arms. She wondered briefly if she should have Brooke watch the dog during the meeting. But before she could make a decision, Brooke entered with Mr. Hot Stuff right behind her.

That could only mean one thing…

“Ms. Parker, Mr. King is here for his ten o’clock appointment,” Brooke said formally, but with a twinkle in her eye.

Holy crap. Well, no matter. Super-hot or not, it was game time. It didn’t matter if he was seventy or fifteen, she had a client to win. She flipped the switch to turn on Agent Kate and donned her best smile.

“Mr. King. A pleasure to meet you,” she said, advancing to shake his hand. It was a warm, firm hand that engulfed hers and sent a mild shock up her arm when he touched her. She ignored it and continued. “It was so nice of you to come to the office. I know you are meeting with other agents, and I really appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.”

“You came highly recommended by several people,” he said, entering the office. “And call me Adam.”

“Oh, how lovely. Perhaps later you could tell me who, so I can thank them.” She smiled. “Please, come in and have a seat.”

He sat in one of the two chairs opposite her desk while she walked around to her chair. Brooke left the room and closed the door. “How can I help you today, Mr. King, er, Adam?”

“I own a bunch of single-family homes over in Jacksonville that I’d like to sell and trade up into a multifamily or commercial building in New Bern. I’m also planning to move here, so I’ll need a house for myself too.”

“That sounds like a great idea. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you end up with so many properties?” She knew he had upward of sixty homes. Considering his age, he was either a real go-getter or someone close to him had died recently.

“I started out flipping, but once I had some money in the bank, I decided to keep the homes as rentals. They cash flow pretty nicely.”

“I can imagine. So, have you looked into—”

“Ah. What the hell?” He looked down at his feet and jumped out of his seat.

“What’s the matter?” Kate also stood.

“That oversized cotton ball just peed on me.”

“Oh, no. No. Luna, you bad girl,” she chastised the dog as she picked it up and took it to the door. She clamored for Brooke, who was there in an instant. “I need some paper towels,” she whispered, thrusting Luna into Brooke’s arms.
