Page 33 of Dealing with Kate

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“I know him,” she said, not really answering the question.

“Oh, I hear he’s in trouble for some money laundering scheme or something.”

She gasped. “That’s not true. You must be mistaken.”

“No, I heard it just two days ago.”

“My fa—my friend, Edward, is involved in no such thing. He’s as honest as the day is long. A day in the summer. In Alaska. He’s very honest!” she sputtered.

“Okay,” Adam said. “I think he gets it, Kate. Edward is honest.”

“You saying I’m a liar?” Bill dropped the nice guy act.

“I’m saying you’ve received some bad information, so I wouldn’t go around spreading it if I were you. Edward Parker is one of the most honorable people I know.”

In her heels, she was almost eye to eye with him, so he couldn’t miss the glare. Adam saw the thoughts turning in the man’s head as to whether or not he should take this chiding.

“So, I’m a gossip?” His face reddened.

“You heard the lady.” Adam jumped in, hoping to keep Kate from going off half-cocked. “You caught wind of some bad info. Might want to check your source.”

“Who told you that anyway?” Kate asked.

Adam had a sick feeling about who might have started the rumor.

“I don’t remember,” Bill said. It was an obvious lie, but one Adam was grateful for at the moment. He’d need to have a chat with Chuck to nip this in the bud. Soon.

In the meantime, he still needed to come clean with Kate about knowing her dad’s opponent. He wouldn’t bring up the money laundering thing, but he needed to admit he knew Chuck.

“Well, it was nice to meet you. We’ll be in touch,” Adam said, urging him toward the lobby before Kate could press him about where he’d heard the rumor.

After he left, Kate took a deep breath, trying to calm down. This was the most rattled Adam had ever seen her.

“Can you believe the nerve of that guy? Accusing my dad of money laundering. Where the hell would he get an idea like that?”

“Kate, I’ve got to tell—”

He was interrupted by her kiss. Shocked, but not about to pull away, he let her put her arms around his neck and pull him in.

After they’d made out for a good minute, he broke it off. “Not that I’m complaining. But what was that for?”

“Standing up for me,” she said. “With this guy. And it was pretty hot yesterday when you told Zach Greene there was no x in especially.” She backed away, wiping her lips with two fingers. “But that’s no excuse for what just happened. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. We can’t do this.”

“Sure we can. Lock the door, and shut the blinds. If we’re quiet, we could use the table, and no one would know.”

She chuckled. “I’m sorry,” she repeated. “It won’t happen again.”

With that, she opened the door, quickly gathered up her stuff, and left him standing there, lips still tingling from her kiss. He smiled, knowing he’d gotten inside her head—at least a little.


Apparently, they’d saved the best for last. The third representative from the last real estate investment trust was neither illiterate nor a scandal-loving gossip. They’d met with him yesterday, and this morning he’d made them a very competitive offer.

Kate had also received offers from two private investors and was in communications with a fourth REIT rep. It was Friday, and she was working from home. Adam dropped by after lunch so they could discuss their next steps.

“So, we’ve received three pretty great offers already. This last REIT rep I’m talking to wants us to fly to Texas to meet him. What do you think of that?”

“Sounds fun. When?”
