Page 59 of Dealing with Kate

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The Drip and The Drop shared the lunch crowd. The Drip was perfect if you were in a hurry and wanted a light sandwich. But if you needed something hot and had more time, The Drop was the way to go. The bar also made it easier to have a margarita with lunch.

Kate didn’t have any afternoon meetings and needed to talk to Lizzie anyway, so she headed in for some nachos and a strawberry drop. Lizzie brought her order and then plopped down in the booth opposite her.

“So, how are you handling the fling situation?” Lizzie asked. “Nana said she caught you two making out in the hallway at the barbecue.”

“Damn it, Nana,” Kate muttered. She shook her head and took a sip of her drink. “It was going fine, but I probably broke some cardinal rule last night. I asked him where things were headed.”

“You didn’t?” Lizzie said. “No relationship talk is one of the key components of a fling. Poor form, Kate.”

“I know. It didn’t go so well either.” She paused to eat a chip. “Remember, by the pool at Mom and Dad’s, when you were telling us how to end a fling? Does telling him I had a headache count as ending it?”

“Oof. Probably in his mind. The old ‘I have a headache’ has been a woman’s way of getting out of sex since the beginning of time. An oldie but a goody. What’d he say?”

“He got me some drugs and held me till I fell asleep.”

Lizzie’s eyebrows rose. “Really? Hm.”

“Hm, what? What does that mean?”

“Nothing. I’m sure it’s nothing. So, you think you’re done with him? I thought you liked him. What happened?”

“I like himtoomuch.” Kate sighed, and Lizzie nodded. “I can’t write him off entirely. We still have business to do. But I won’t see him nearly as much, now that we’ve turned everything over to the attorneys.”

“Sounds like a good time, then,” Lizzie said, stuffing one of Kate’s cheese-laden chips into her mouth. “Dang, I make good nachos.”

“I was thinking maybe I should get back to the husband hunt. The attorney handling Adam’s deal asked me out. He’s handsome and smart. I might put him in the chute for when this thing with Adam fizzles.”

“Atta, girl,” Lizzie said. “Get right back on that horse.”

“So, when I’m ready to do it, I just pull out the ol’ ‘it’s been fun, but…’ line?”

“That’s one option. Look, whatever you say, just be cool about it, and things will be fine.”

“Okay. Um, one quick question. Is there any scenario where a fling turns into more?” Kate said, feigning nonchalance.

“Oh, dear,” Lizzie said, setting aside the chip she was about to eat. “I was afraid of this.”

“No, I’m not saying I want it to. I’m just curious if it ever does.”

“Well, anything’s possible. But, Kate, I wouldn’t go picking out wedding china yet. I know that’s hard to hear, but you need to be honest with yourself and with him. When you talked to him last night, did you tell him you have feelings for him?”

“No way,” Kate said, shaking her head vigorously. There was no point in denying shedidhave feelings for him. Lizzie would see right through that lie in a heartbeat.

“Maybe you should. See what happens. All he can say is he doesn’t feel the same way, and then at least you’d know for sure.”

“I don’t need to have that awkward conversation to be sure. He basically confirmed he was not willing to try anything beyond temporary last night. And I think I embarrassed myself enough with the singing yesterday, don’t you?”

Lizzie held her hands up in mock surrender. “We tried to tell you,” she said defensively. “Hey, I gotta get back to work. If it will make you feel better, lunch is on me.”

“Pft. Damn right lunch is on you,” Kate mumbled as she left.

She picked at her nachos while mulling over her options. End it now, wait for Adam to end it, or hang on like a desperate fool, hoping it didn’t end. So, no matter which option she chose, pretty much a three for three chance she’d end up hurt.

From what Adam had said last night, his feelings about a temporary thing hadn’t changed. Nor had his thoughts on commitment, and it wasn’t like her inspirational words of wisdom on love were likely to change his mind. Unfortunately for her, her feelingshadchanged. To save herself the heartache, she should get out now, before it was too late. Oh, who was she kidding? Even Lizzie could see it. It was already too late. She’d fallen in love. Damn it.

Telling him would only make things weird, so she ruled that out. But now what? Use an it’s-been-great text to bail? No, he deserved better than that. She had to do it in person, at least.

Luckily, she had some time to decide. She had no plans to see him in the near future, so she could put it on the back burner for now. Since they didn’t have to get together for business, maybe things would fizzle on their own, and she’d be spared the formality of breaking it off.
