Page 58 of Dealing with Kate

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“What? No,” Adam said, shaking his head. “Even if we had, I wouldn’t tell you three. I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Told you,” Archie said to the other two.

“Side bet,” Adam mumbled to himself.

“Wait, just a doggone second,” Archie said, stopping midconversation and looking toward the front doors. “What have we got here?”

Adam and the others looked to the door where Archie was staring, just in time to see Kate’s grandma strut through the doors. She wore jean capris, white high-top converse, and a hot pink T-shirt that said, “I put the she in shenanigans.” The “she” was spelled out in sequins, and the pink nearly matched her hair color. Lucy met her at the door with a hug, talked to her for a second, and then returned to the counter, presumably to make her a cup of coffee.

“Who’s that foxy lady?” Gene asked.

“Hubba, hubba,” Archie added.

Walter licked his fingers and smoothed his eyebrows, then put his hand over his mouth to smell his breath. “Gene, give me a Tic Tac.”

“No, get your own damn mint.”

Adam laughed. Nana looked around and spotted him. Waving furiously, she started toward him.

“You know her?” Archie asked incredulously.

“Yes. And don’t embarrass me,” Adam said.

“Adam.” Nana came in for a hug, and Adam chuckled at the wide-eyed old coots staring in admiration. Gene waggled his eyebrows, and Archie nodded appreciatively.

“Nana,” Adam said. “How’s it going this morning?”

“Another day above ground is always a good one,” she said, and all heads turned to Walter, who smiled slyly. That was his line too.

“Hello, boys,” she said, turning to the group with a flirty flick of her wrist. They all sat with their mouths slightly agape.

“Geez, normally, we can’t shut these three up,” Adam said. “Walter, Gene, Archie, this is Audrey Parker, the mayor’s mom.”

Archie stood hastily. “Archie Sandoval. At your service, ma’am.” He dipped his head in a polite bow.

“Pleasure to meet you, Audrey,” Gene said with a dentured grin. He put his hand out to shake, but she offered hers, fingers pointing down, so he had no choice but to kiss the back of it.

“Yes, so nice to make your acquaintance,” Walter put in. “Would you care to join us? Adam was just leaving.”

“What?” Adam stammered, looking down at his half-full cup. “No, I wasn’t.”

“There are only four chairs, son,” Walter said. “You gonna ask the lady to stand?”

“Of course not. Nana, if you want to torture yourself with these three, you’re welcome to my seat. They should come with a warning label though.”

“Oh. I’ve heard all about these three,” Nana said. “The infamous Three Musketeers?”

“More like the Three Stooges, but tomato, tomahto.” Adam stood to offer Nana his seat as Lucy arrived with Nana’s coffee and a pastry. The three gave him a dirty look as he pulled the chair out for Audrey. “Good to see you, Nana. Later, guys.”

He gulped down the rest of his coffee and took his used cup to the counter.

“They run you off?” Lucy asked, taking his cup.

“I’m on my way to see your sister, anyway. Plus, I don’t think I could watch that unfold without getting sick to my stomach.”

“I’ll keep an eye on them.”

