Page 39 of Beautiful Devil

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“A piece of me.”

“You speak in riddles. You never tell me the truth.”

“Just like you’ve not told me the truth since I walked into that diner. Eddie was protecting you. He was a close friend of your father’s. He knew your life would be in danger.”

What? Eddie? I tried to think whether I’d seen the two of them together or heard my father talk about him. No. “That’s crazy. He didn’t know I was going to walk into that diner.” Or did he? My mother had sent me the ad. Wait a minute…

“Is that really the truth, Emily? You’re a smart girl.” His words of admonishment pissed me off.

“In danger. From you and the people you work for?” I snapped in response.

“That’s one example, but there are others.”

“Then tell me. I’m not some innocent woman who doesn’t understand how the mafia and other criminals work. You’re right in that my father taught me various aspects of your… business practices. If you were hoping I’d condone what you’ve done because my father betrayed the Bratva, then you are dead wrong.”

He nodded, his breathing labored. “I think it’s time you better understood what your life has become. Is that what you want?”

“Yes. I want the truth.”

“The truth may be difficult for you to handle.”

I walked closer, glaring at him from the side. “As I just said, I can handle it. I’ve managed to deal with you.” And just like that the incredible lust I’d felt for him was tossed aside, replaced by contempt and hatred. My mind was reeling from the whiplash.

When he turned his head, it was as if he was trying to determine whether or not he could trust me, allowing me into his world. Why did I care? He shifted to face me, growling the moment we both heard a sharp knock. “Fuck. They know better than to interrupt me.”

As he walked toward the bedroom door, I quickly scrambled away, yanking the sheet from the bed. He wasn’t bothered by being naked when he threw it open, facing whoever was on the other side. I was barely able to catch a glimpse of the person standing on the other side. Another soldier.

“What is it? This had better be good,” Kostya barked.

“It’s Aziza. Something is wrong with one of her cubs and she’s going crazy.” The voice was one I didn’t recognize. “She’s agitated the others as well. I’m not certain the fence can hold her.”

“It’ll hold. Keep everyone away. I’ll handle this.” Kostya’s growl was low and steady, his entire body tense, his muscles tight as a bow string.

Aziza? What? Another dog? I huddled just out of sight of the soldier, strangling the sheet around me.

When Kostya shot me a look, there was almost as much emotion in his eyes as I’d seen during our rounds of passion. There was also a heightened level of anxiety, a darkness that couldn’t be read clearly.

“It would seem, Dr. Shephard, that your wish is coming true. You’re about to become immersed in my world. I need your services.” His words weren’t a request. They were a command, and if I dared defy him, I’d feel his wrath.

“What are you saying? What do you need from me?”

“You’re a doctor, yes?” The sneer on his face angered me.

“Yes, but if Aziza is an animal, I’m not a veterinarian. If you have an injured animal, I suggest you pick up the phone and call someone.”

“There’s no time!” As the volume of his voice increased, so did his rage, the veins on the side of his neck throbbing.

“Okay. Yes. I’ll see what I can do.”

Kostya narrowed his eyes. “Get dressed. Now! And you will save the cub’s life, Doctor. Do you understand?”

As I nodded, I was allowed another split second of seeing inside his blackened soul.

And what I saw frightened me even more than anything else.

The desire for his death.


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