Page 15 of Guarding Her Love

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"Yes, perfect."

We finish breakfast and get ready for our day. Shopping was always something I enjoyed doing in New York. Hailey and I would often try to find the hole-in-the-wall stores in unexplored areas of the city. It was one of our favorite things to do when we'd get a day off.

We get into town and find a parking space near the café. We walk down the awning-covered sidewalks and peek into different stores selling antiques and other tchotchkes.

"Oh, here it is!" Hailey exclaims as we near a shop with eclectic window dressings. There are vintage cameras and mannequin bodices with adorable outfits put together. Shoes with hand-painted designs and matching knick-knacks. I'm already in love, and I haven't even been inside.

We walk into the store, and a bell chimes signaling our entrance. There are clothing racks lining the middle of the store and shelves hanging on the walls holding artwork and other handcrafted pieces.

"Hi there! Welcome to Blossoms and Bows. I'm the owner, Trish. All of the artwork and crafts are made by local artists, and if you need a different size we might have it in the back, so just ask," Trish says to us with a kind smile. She's in her late forties and has black kinky-curled hair.

"Thanks, Trish!" My eyes wander across the room. It's not a large space, but it has two levels with a spiral staircase in the middle of the room leading up to the second floor.

Hailey and I go in separate directions and start browsing the clothing racks, periodically showing each other items we like and hanging on to things we want to try on.

Once we gather a collection of clothes, we head back to the dressing rooms with our items. We try on outfit after outfit, giggling and strutting around while Trish tries to keep up with us. She's constantly bringing us more clothes to try on as she figures out our styles.

"Oh my gosh. Quinn, that's it!" Hailey squeals as she comes out of the dressing room wearing a red fitted dress perfect for going out. I have on a burgundy top that crisscrosses in the front and shows off my cleavage without being too revealing.

"Are you sure it's not too simple?"

"That's what makes it perfect. It's not a fancy shirt you'd wear on a date, but it's just sexy enough to make him take notice. Pair it with your ripped, cut-off shorts and some sandals, and he won't be able to take his eyes off you. Plus, you'll be comfortable enough to get the photos you need."

"Who's the guy?" Trish asks.

"Quinn has a date with the hot police chief," Hailey says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"It's not a date. He's taking me to the lake to get some shots of the sunset. I like to paint, and he offered to show it to me. It's nothing more than him being friendly."

"You're going out with Chief Jackson? Damn, girl, way to land the big fish your first few weeks in town." Trish grins. "He's the guy every single girl in this town wants to date." I roll my eyes and shake my head at Trish, but I don't doubt her statement in the slightest. He's so good-looking, I'm sure women just melt at his feet.

Myself included, if I'm being honest, and it makes me even more nervous. He probably has a whole harem of women he could take out, and I'm not entirely sure I want to be a part of that.

"I did not land anything. You both are being silly, but I do think I'm getting this top and the white dress with the flowers on it."

"You are absolutely getting the top. The dress will be perfect for when Cooper asks you out on a second date." I roll my eyes again, knowing full well that's not going to happen. "I think I'm getting this dress and a few of the tops I tried on too. I can't pass up these prices, and they'll be perfect for going out when I get back to the city." She twists, checking out her dress in the trifold mirror.

"You both chose perfectly. Leave the items you don't want in the dressing rooms, and I'll take the ones you want to keep," Trish says.

Hailey and I both get dressed and head back up to the front counter. Trish wraps our clothes in tissue paper and puts them into bags for us. We pay for our items, and as we collect our things, Trish stops us, "I just want to say that Cooper is a great guy. Being the police chief in a place like this comes with a lot of responsibility, and he's such a great leader. He genuinely cares about this town and we all love him for it. All teasing aside, I hope you have fun tonight."

"Thank you, Trish. I appreciate you telling me that." She could've let us walk out and said nothing about him but she took the time to stick up for him, which tells me he is a genuinely nice guy.

Hailey and I walk to the café and find a table on the patio. We both order summer salads and settle in to eat lunch.

"I can't believe you're going home tomorrow," I pout at her.

"I know. I'm both ready to go and not ready to go."

"As much as I want you to stay forever, I know the city is your playground. It's where you belong."

"True, and you know I'll never live anywhere else, but after seeing this town, I understand why this place feels like home to you."

"It's had my heart since the first summer I stayed here when I was nine. It's not going to be the same without you though. The house is going to feel so quiet," I tease.

"I feel like that was a dig at my constant sound level, and honestly, it’s completely accurate," Hailey says with a laugh. I smile back at her despite the sadness I feel radiating in my chest.

"What are you going to do when you get back to the city?"
