Page 16 of Guarding Her Love

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"Well, I actually have news. The firm is promoting me to executive manager since I know everything about your cases and everyone else's cases for that matter."

"What? Hailey, that's amazing! When did this happen, and why didn't you tell me?" If I wasn't so happy about the promotion, I'd be mad at her for not telling me sooner. Hailey is incredibly bright and should've been a lawyer herself, but she says she didn't want the responsibility or the loans.

"They asked me before I came here, and I was going to tell you when I arrived, but we got so busy getting you settled, I couldn't find a good time to bring it up."

"Now I feel like a selfish cow. You deserve to be celebrated. This is a huge deal, and I'm so glad the firm finally realized how pivotal you are to them."

"You are not a selfish cow. You had a lot going on. It's going to be an adjustment for sure but I'll have a little more control over my schedule and what I'm doing. It'll be nice not to be at some bitch's beck and call." She winks at me.

"I'm going to pretend like you aren't talking about me and are referring to an old lawyer you assisted way before me," I huff, but a smile tugs at the corners of my lips.

"You know damn well I'm not talking about you. The promotion couldn't come at a better time either. I'll be super busy and won't have time to miss you now."

"You'll still miss me just as much as I'll be missing you."

"Yeah, but now you'll have Mr. Hot Pants to distract you while I have sleazy Peter to keep me company. Life is not fair sometimes," Hailey says wistfully. I throw a wadded-up napkin at her as she busts out laughing.

"You're ridiculous and could have your pick of men if you wanted." And I’m not exaggerating.

Anywhere we went in New York, men would notice her. It didn't matter if we were shopping or out for drinks in the evening, Hailey drew the attention of every male who walked by.

Despite drawing their attention, she never goes out on dates. If a guy came up to her she would be polite but ultimately would turn him down. The only thing she is interested in is one-night stands. I always wondered if it had something to do with the boyfriend she lost when she was in college, but she doesn't talk about it, and I've learned not to bring it up with her.

"It's almost four-thirty now, should we head home and get you ready for your date?" Hailey asks, looking at her phone.

"Two hours early? Do you really think it will take me two hours to get ready?" I’d normally only need about an hour. Two seems a little excessive.

"Yes, it will. Trust me on this because I know you, and I know what's about to happen," she replies, seeming to understand something completely lost on me.

"Well, I guess we can go then." I stand and grab our shopping bags. I still think it's too early to get ready, but what do I know?



Hailey was most definitely right. As soon as we got home, I took my bags upstairs and got in the shower. Suddenly, I only had an hour until Cooper would arrive. Then, I was blow-drying my hair and putting makeup on when I realized I was down to thirty minutes. Now, I'm freaking out because I have no clothes on, and he's going to be here any minute, and holy shit, I might pass out.

I sit down on my bed before I fall over and hurt myself.

Why am I freaking out right now? I can't remember a time I've ever been this nervous before a date, and yes, I realize I've started calling it a date.

I mean, first dates are my thing. I’ve been on plenty to know what’s expected, so why is this date making me lose my mind?

I usually pride myself on being calm and collected. I don't let my emotions take over in stressful situations, even if they are raging on the inside. Outwardly, I can appear unemotional and detached from the situation. It's how I succeeded as a lawyer. I knew when to play on emotions and when to hold them back. But right now, I might be losing my marbles. I can't seem to find any calmness or get my shit together.

It's at this moment, I finally acknowledge that Cooper has affected me more than I thought, or maybe more than I allowed myself to think. Something is telling me he is going to mean something big, and all of my nerves and worries about this evening are adding to my knowledge that this guy is unlike any other I've encountered before.

I take a couple of deep breaths to calm down and start getting dressed. As I'm pulling up my shorts I hear Hailey say, "Hello, Hot Pants." I quickly throw on my sandals and fly down the stairs only to find Hailey with her nose pressed up against the window like a kid at an aquarium. Thank goodness she didn't call him Hot Pants to his face. I was a little worried there for a minute.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I walk further into the living room.

"Chief Sexy Pants is outside and looking yummy in his uniform. He's talking on the phone right now, pacing back and forth, giving quite the show of his front and back side."

"Could you get any closer to the window?" I tease, walking over to see the view. I look out and there he is in all of his muscular glory, just like Hailey said.

The navy-blue button-down shirt is stretched across his broad chest showcasing his cut upper body. It's tucked into pants that mold to his thighs and highlight his tight backside in the most flattering light. He does look pretty yummy out there.

"Come on, let's move away from the window so he doesn't see us ogling him." I grab Hailey's arm to pull her away from the window.
