Page 42 of Breathing Her Fire

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There is chaos raining around me right now. I can’t tell if it’s actually happening outside of my office or if my brain is telling me I’m stressed and should calm down. Most likely, it’s the latter.

I blow out a deep breath to try and pull myself together, but it does nothing. We’re a week away from the gala, and I might be losing it big time. You’d think after four years, I’d be used to the stress, but it never gets better, no matter how many times I plan this event.

A knock on my door startles me out of my thoughts. “Come in.”

“Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to let you know the convention center called and said the bigger ballroom is available. We can get in there on Thursday.”

“Oh, thank god!”

“I’ll start coordinating drop-offs since the location has changed.”

“Thank you.”

Our RSVP list has tripled since we did a big social media push. This will officially be the biggest Christmas gala we’ll have ever put on.

I am blown away by the community’s support of our library.

It’s also reassuring since I haven't heard anything from the council about my proposal despite having emailed several times now. I’ll have to schedule a time to meet with them after the gala. By then, I’ll know if I have my portion of the cost covered so they’ll have confidence I won’t need any additional funds.

I feel like there are about a million things I need to be doing right now, but instead, I’m just sitting here at my desk, staring at my computer. I should make sure our caterer and bartender are prepared for the increased number of attendees.

I don’t want to do anything right now though, so I get up from my desk and walk around the library to calm my mind down. Being among the thousands of books makes everything feel a little less overwhelming.

I stay on the outside lane of the library, looking out the windows as I make my way around the room. The shelves are packed to the gills with so many books you’d never be able to read them in your lifetime. The people who carry huge stacks of books to the counter remind me why I do this job every day.

They always have the biggest smiles on their faces as they leave, and that look encourages me to continue working my ass off. Those are the people who benefit from these galas.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see an intimidating figure walk through the front doors.

Even in my peripherals, I know exactly who it is, and a grin stretches across my face as I turn to get a good look at him. He saunters up to the front desk, where poor little Allison?one of our high school volunteers?has no idea what to do with the imposing man who stands before her. I see her eyes grow large as she swallows hard.

I should put her out of her misery.

“You lookin’ for me?”

Tucker turns around and smiles, his eyes sparkling in humor.

“I am. You got a minute?”

“For you? Always.”

I lead him down the hallway behind the counter and into my office. Tucker leans over and gives me a smoldering hello kiss which has me falling into one of my visitor’s chairs. When he pulls back, he sits down opposite me.

“Well, you just made my day.” I grin at him.

“Is that all it takes? I may have to come in more often then.”

“What are you up to today?” I ask him.

“Nothing really, just wanted to see how you’re doing with the big shindig happening soon.”

“I’m glad you did. I feel like a chicken with its head cut off. I have a million things to do, and I’m to the point where it’s easier to not do any of them.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

I am so not used to having a partner in my life like this. Tucker has jumped into the role of support person with both feet, and it’s changed the way I view my life.
