Page 43 of Breathing Her Fire

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I always thought it was better to do things by myself because at least I knew it was getting done exactly how I wanted, but these past few weeks with Tucker have opened my eyes to the beauty of being able to rely on another person.

I mostly use him for emotional support since I can’t quite give up all of my control, but having his constant support has allowed me to release the iron grip I held on my life, reducing so much stress I didn’t even know I was carrying.

“I don’t think so. It’s mostly just calls and check-ins, which isn’t a big deal, but just feels a little overwhelming. Thank you, though.” I lean in for a kiss because he’s just so handsome, and I love that he’s my person now.

“Okay, you let me know when you need me.”

Forever. I will need you forever.

But I bite my lip so I don’t say my thoughts out loud.

“I’m going to the senior center tonight. They’re having a senior social, and Francis asked me to be his date,” I say to switch topics.

“Do I need to have a talk with Francis? It sounds like he’s moving in on my girl.” Tucker’s lips twitch like he’s trying to be serious but can’t quite get there.

“I mean, to be fair, he was there first. He may want to have a talk with you.”

“I’m going to have to show him whose girl you are, aren't I?”

I just grin at him because I love being his girl. “You might.”

“All right then. I’ll be there.”

“You’ll go to the senior social tonight?” I ask because I thought we were just joking around.

“Hell yeah. I gotta lay my claim and tell all those horny old bastards you’re no longer single.” He winks at me and I just roll my eyes at him.

“You’ll have to talk to my mom.”

Since he already knows her, he doesn’t have to go through the whole introduction thing, but at the same time, he’s never talked to her in the role of my boyfriend, so I feel like he should be prepared.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Okay then.” I can’t help but let my smile grow as I think about Tucker at the social. All those old biddies aren’t going to know what to do with the hunk of man across from me.

* * *

I heara knock at my door and go to answer it, knowing it’ll be Tucker picking me up for the social. I’m wearing an adorable fifties style dress that’s tight at my waist and flares out. It even has a small crinoline making the hem line poof out a little.

I open the door and feel my jaw drop at the sight before me. Tucker has on black jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. He’s very Danny Zucko from Grease right now. It’s seriously working for me.

“Damn, look at you,” he says, his eyes dragging up and down my body. I feel my core tighten from his perusal, and it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to grab his jacket and pull him inside.

“I was just thinking the same thing. You look hot.” I shake my head to try and get rid of the very sexy thoughts running through my mind. “We don’t have time for the very awesome images happening in my head right now, so turn your sexy ass around and take me to the senior center.”

Tucker grins at me and does a very smooth twist, turning his back to me. He holds his hand out behind him and I grab on to it, laughing at his silliness.

Over the past few weeks, Tucker has lightened up to the point where a smile is never far from his lips. I’d like to think I’m one of the reasons, but I don’t know for sure.

We get into his truck and head towards the center. I’m excited Tucker is coming with me because I love this place. The people there are so funny and can make any day much better.

The drive is short, and I jump out from the truck before Tucker can open my door. We walk hand in hand inside to a flurry of activity in the lobby. The center has a big gym where members can do a multitude of things like Zumba or aerobics. They have all of their big parties there too.

Smaller rooms are located throughout the building where they schedule other fun activities for the seniors to attend. The goal is to have a place for the seniors of Sonoma to get together and hang out with each other in a safe environment.

On the other side of the campus is an independent living center connected to the main building. Not all of the members live there but a good chunk of them do.

Tucker and I walk down the hall toward my mom’s office because I want to get the introductions over quickly before we start hanging out with the seniors.
