Page 5 of Breathing Her Fire

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“Isn’t the confession embarrassing enough? Why do I need to tell you anything else?”

“Because you packed a shitload of information into one sentence,” I pause, my emotions rising. “For starters, I now know a lot more about you than I did before,” and because I’m an idiot and can’t stop the flow of words, I say, “and second of all, you shouldn’t be letting idiots into your bed who are going to say stuff like that.”

“Who do you think you are telling me who I can and can’t have in my bed? I’m a grown-ass woman and can do what I want with whomever I want.” Her emerald eyes blaze brightly in anger. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

All of the blood rushes from my head to my cock which is now pushing against my zipper. It takes everything in my power to not grab her and shove my tongue down her throat.

“You sure as hell aren’t making the right choices, so maybe I need to step in and fix it!” My hands are clenched into fists as we stare at each other. The chemistry between us arcs across the small space, crackling in the air like static.

“And just how would you do that?” she asks, her eyes narrowed.

“I’ll be the one in your bed,” I say before I can even think about the ramifications.

Natalie’s head jerks back as if I hit her and her eyes grow wide. The words hang heavily in the air as silence rings loud. Instead of taking back what I said like I should, I just keep staring at her.

The idea of being in her life and her bed settles in my gut. For the first time since I was twelve, I feel a sense of peace gather around me.

“Excuse me?” she whispers.

“You heard me. Maybe I should be the one in your bed instead of the idiots you’ve been choosing.”

After saying it again, I feel even more steady in this decision. I have nothing to offer Natalie. I’m not even close to being worthy of her, but I’ve known since I was twelve that she was the girl for me.

She was my best friend growing up, and we did everything together. Since she only lived a couple of houses down from me, I was at her house all the time. I usually went over there when my parents were fighting, which was often.

Then, my mom ran off with some guy, and my dad moved us out of the neighborhood.

Despite the distance, I still did my best to come visit her. As we got older, we grew even closer. She was my first kiss, and I knew, even at twelve years old, she was the one I wanted. Her spark called to something deep inside me, telling me she’d be the one to pull me out of the darkness.

I went home feeling happier than I’d ever been until I walked into the house. With a heavy hand, my dad reminded me who I am and where I come from.

I haven’t thought about that night in a long time.

I’ve stayed away from her ever since, thinking she’d be better off without me. I tried to go out with other girls, but it was never the same as hanging out with Nat.

Even having missed out on getting to know her as an adult, I knew deep in my soul she would always be the one I wanted. When I finally realized no one could ever compete with her, I just stopped dating. I kept everything surface-level, confined to one night only, and that’s how it’s been since.

I take in her heaving chest and look into her eyes where a mixture of hope and disbelief tells me she wants what I’m offering but is afraid I don’t mean it.

“I don’t have anything to offer you, Natalie. Lord knows I’ll never be good enough, but if you’re willing to be patient with me, I want you,” I say, hoping it’s enough.

Suddenly there’s a ding, and the elevator descends. Within seconds the doors open to my guys standing on the other side, waiting to make sure we’re safe. I curse under my breath.

Naturally, they’d show up when I’m at the precipice of starting something I’ve wanted my entire life.

Natalie stands up and gathers her things. She hasn’t looked at me since the doors opened and I laid everything out there. I’m trying my absolute hardest not to grab her and demand an answer.

“You guys okay in there?” Sam asks.

“Just great,” Natalie says. “Are we good to go?”

“Yep, should be safe,” Sam replies. Without another word, she bolts from the elevator and away from me.

My eyes stay glued to her as she walks out of the building. Sam slaps my arm, and I turn to look at him once I can no longer see Natalie. “You have the worst fucking timing,” I say, shaking my head at him as we both head out of the building.

Natalie may have run away from me, but she didn’t give me an answer either. Now that the idea of having her has been planted, I won’t let her go until she does.
