Page 80 of Breathing Her Fire

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“That’s so shitty,” Max says, and I nod my head because it’s all I can do.

“I’ve been waiting to hear back from Noah’s caseworker about adoption. I don’t know if I’ll be able to but I’m going to try.”

“Seriously? Congrats, man,” Todd says. “Megan and I have been looking into adoption as well, but there are a bunch of hoops you have to jump through.”

“You should look into fostering to adopt. They’re always in need of good foster homes, and I know you guys would be perfect for it,” I suggest.

I mean, we have a group home in our small town because the need is so high. Having a couple like Megan and Todd adopting kids from foster care would be invaluable.

“I’ve never thought about fostering. I’ll talk to Megan and see what she says.”

“I just can’t stand that a kid as great as Noah has to live with so many unknowns. He can’t even be guaranteed he’ll stay with the foster family he’s with right now.”

“Hopefully, you and Nat can adopt him and give him the home he deserves,” Max says.

“Keep us updated, and let me know if there’s anything I can do. Character reference or anything,” Cooper offers.

I’m blown away by the support these guys give each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a good place or a bad place, they’re going to be there for you. Having such solid friends is almost unfathomable to me.

I grew up knowing I had to rely on myself and myself alone. I also understood the details of my home life would send anyone running for the hills. Although, I think if these guys would’ve been my friends in school, they wouldn’t have run, and for a moment, a stab of regret hits me in the chest.

It’s too late to go back now, but sometimes I wish I would’ve done things differently. Told my uncle about the abuse, tried to make some friends. I wonder how different my life would look now if I’d made different choices.

There's no point in dwelling on things I can’t change, so I focus my attention back on the game.

“Thanks, Cooper. I may need to take you up on your offer after I talk to the caseworker.”

We play another few hands, and the guys continue drinking?except for me and Max. We both offered to DD tonight if anyone needs a ride home. I usually offer to DD so I don’t have to answer questions about why I’m not drinking much. I know they know who my dad is, so I’m sure they’d understand, but I’d rather not have to say, ‘I don’t drink because my dad is a piece of shit alcoholic, and I don’t want to turn into him.’

It’s one of my biggest fears. I don’t ever want to turn into my dad, and I hope to God Natalie stays in my life so I never will. I know she’s nothing like my mom, but there’s always the unknown lurking around the corner, waiting to get the drop on you.

“Shall we crash the girls’ party?” Todd asks.

“Absolutely,” Cooper says, standing up so quickly he knocks his chair over, which makes us all laugh.

“In a hurry there, bro?” Levi teases.

“You’d be in a hurry, too, if you had a girl like Quinn,” he throws back, and Levi rolls his eyes.

Cooper isn’t wrong though. I’ve been dying to see Natalie all night, so I get where he’s coming from.

We help clean up the trash and extra beer bottles lying around and head out to Donna’s Bar. It’s the only place in town to go on a weekend, which is why the girls went there tonight.

We end up taking two cars in case the girls also need rides home. I’ll be the one taking Natalie home whether she brought her car there or not. It may be a little caveman of me but she’s mine to protect, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she’s safe and happy at all times.
