Page 79 of Breathing Her Fire

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“One more week, man. Can you believe it?” Levi asks, wrapping his arm around Cooper’s shoulders.

“Finally,” Cooper says, taking a drink of his beer. We’re at his house hanging in the basement for his bachelor party. A theater area takes up one side of the space, and the dark wooden bar sits toward the back. We’ve been sitting around the bar for the last hour talking.

“Did you guys ever decide on your honeymoon spot?” Todd asks.

“Yeah, we decided on an all-inclusive in St. Lucia. I’m fucking stoked.”

“Beach, booze, and bikinis. The trifecta of a good time,” Levi says, grinning at Cooper who just rolls his eyes.

I mean, if Nat was the one in a bikini, I would agree with him.

“I think Tucker has some news he has yet to share with the class,” Max says, and I’m pretty sure the grin on my face couldn’t get any bigger.

“What did I miss?” Levi asks because I’d imagine the significant others of the group have already spread the news.

“I asked Natalie to marry me,” I say, and a swell of pride goes through me as I share the greatest moment of my life with guys who have become my close friends.

I was so fucking nervous the whole night. I knew she could tell something was going on but my nerves just got the best of me. I wanted to ask her during dinner with her mom but the words got stuck in my throat, and I couldn’t ever get them out.

I mean, the whole reason I put together the dinner in the first place was to ask her, but then when we were standing on her front step and she looked at me with patience and love, I knew it was the moment I’d been waiting for.

“Dude, that’s fucking awesome!” Levi says, slapping my shoulder.

“Congrats, man. We’re happy for you,” Todd says, lifting up his beer.

“Thanks, guys.”

“I’ll be the lone wolf after this. All of you guys will have someone, and it’ll just be me in Singlesville then,” Levi says, his eyebrows furrowed like he’s just now realizing this fact.

“And you and Sara aren’t ever going to be a thing?” I ask because I’ve always wondered. They’re together all the time, but I’ve never seen them act like a couple.

“No. And while she is one of my best friends, she’s like my sister, and she feels the same way.”

I just nod my head in understanding.

“I thought you liked it over there in Singlesville?” Cooper asks.

“Of course, I do, man. It’s easy, uncomplicated, and keeps my attention span. It’s fantastic.” Levi grins at us, but there’s something behind his words making me think he doesn’t fully believe what he’s saying.

I remember being in the same boat not too long ago. It was so much easier to be single and keep my relationships uncomplicated. The only difference is I didn’t want a relationship with anyone other than Natalie. Now that I have her, I know I’ll never go back to the uncomplicated life of a bachelor.

“What are the girls up to tonight?” Levi asks.

“They had a spa day and should be at Donna’s now,” Cooper says.

“Are we crashing their night out?” Todd asks.

“Of course,” Cooper says, grinning at Todd, which makes us all laugh at him.

It’s been interesting getting to know these guys and a little weird getting invited to things. They hang out with each other frequently, and I’m not used to going out like this all the time. It’s exhausting but fun at the same time.

We start playing poker at the game table Cooper has, and while I’m not great at cards, I’m holding my own with these guys. Levi is horrible at poker but likes to trash talk like he’s a card shark. It makes me think of Taylor’s measly attempts at poker but with a lot more cursing.

“Tucker, how’s the kid you pulled out of the fire?” Cooper asks me as he deals.

“He’s okay. He’s out of the hospital now and staying with a foster family. I’ve been over there a couple of times. They seem like nice enough people.”
