Page 88 of Breathing Her Fire

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The song ends and Tucker and I head back to our table to get another drink.

A few minutes later, Quinn and Cooper come up to us and say goodbye. I look at Tucker and mouth I told you so to which he rolls his eyes.

“Congratulations, you guys. We are so happy for you!” I say to Quinn as I give her a big hug. Her smile hasn’t left her face the whole night.

I lean in to hug Cooper. “Love you, brother. I’m so glad you finally found your girl.”

“Me too,” Cooper says as he kisses my cheek.

“Have fun tonight, you two,” I tease, wiggling my eyebrows up and down. Quinn’s face blooms into a full blush. I love that I can still embarrass her.

Cooper laughs and pulls her into his arms.

“Is it our turn to leave now?” Tucker asks in my ear. The feel of his soft breath on my skin sends goosebumps down my arms.

“Yep. It’s time to go,” I say, grabbing his hand and making the rounds to say goodbye to all of our friends.

After what feels like an hour but was probably only fifteen minutes, we make it out to the parking lot and to Tucker’s truck. He opens the door and helps me inside, which I actually need this time since I’m wearing heels.

I watch as he walks around the front of the truck and gracefully hops into the driver’s seat.

He doesn’t immediately turn the truck on, so I turn to look at him. He looks deep in thought, a little crease in between his eyebrows, and I wait for him to tell me what’s on his mind.

“I’m not sure I want all of that for our wedding, Nat. It was fun, and I’d love to have a party with our friends, but I just don't feel like the rest of it is me.” He looks at me with worry deep in his eyes, and a small smile pulls at my lips.

“Were you worried I was going to be mad?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, I guess. You’re just so outgoing and have all of these people in your life. I could see you wanting a wedding with all the traditions, and I wanted you to know it’s not really me. I mean, I’d do it if you were set on it, but it’s not what I had in mind.”

Of course, he would do that for me. He would be willing to be uncomfortable the whole night as long as it made me happy.

“I don’t want all of the hoopla either. I mean, you know I’m not the most traditional girl, and the formal, stuffy ceremony is so not me. Although, I do like the idea of the white dress.”

His eyes quickly find mine, trying to make sure I’m being truthful, I’d imagine.

“The only things I need at our wedding are you, my mom, and my best friends. Maybe the Ellises too.”

“Are you sure? Because I want you to have everything you’ve ever wanted. I don’t ever want to hold you back.”

“I’m positive. You know, we could do a destination thing. Like go down to the Florida Keys or something and have a huge party down there.”

“You’d want to do that?”


He smiles at me, and I’m pretty sure my heart stops. I’ve never seen him happier than at this moment. It makes me wish we could get married tomorrow.

“If the state lets us, I think I’d like Noah to be a part of it too,” he says quietly.

“I agree, he should definitely be there.”

“I love you, Natalie, and I can’t wait to marry you.”

I lean over the center console to give him a kiss. “I love you, Tucker, and I can’t wait to marry you,” I say against his lips. “Now take me home and show me some more of those dance moves while you’re taking off your clothes.”

Tucker busts out laughing. “Yes, ma’am,” he says, starting the truck and taking us home. I’ve never felt luckier than I do right at this moment. The man of my dreams is going to be my husband, and we’re going to be adding a sweet little boy into the mix.

I can hardly believe this is my life now.
