Page 87 of Breathing Her Fire

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We all shuffle out of the room, and everyone but Hailey and Quinn heads into the ceremony hall. They’re getting married at a winery outside of town, and it’s beautiful. From the windows in the hall, you can see the sprawling grapevines.

I find Tucker waiting on me outside of the main doors. He holds his hand out for me, leading us into the room. Huge chandeliers are hanging from the ceilings, and there are rows and rows of chairs covered in cream seat covers.

It’s beautiful and elegant, just like Quinn. I couldn’t imagine anything better for her.

Tucker and I find seats with the whole group a few rows from the front, and we all wait patiently for the ceremony to start.

The music plays as Hailey and Levi come down the aisle together. They both have grins stretching wide across their faces, and once they get to the front, Levi gives Cooper a slap on his shoulder while Hailey steps off to the left side.

The pastor asks everyone to stand as the doors open for Quinn and her dad. I quickly look at Cooper for his reaction. His eyes are welling up, and his hand runs down his mouth to keep his composure.

Quinn glows as she walks down the aisle; her smile is one of the happiest I’ve ever seen on her.

I glance at Tucker, and instead of looking at Quinn, he’s looking at me. The look in his eyes takes my breath away. I have to hold on to his arm to keep from falling over at the impact of his gaze.

The pastor tells us we can sit down, and we listen to him talk about love and marriage as they go through the typical wedding ceremony. Quinn told me she vetoed making up their own vows when Cooper brought up the idea. Since she hates being the center of attention, it didn’t surprise me.

As they repeat the words, Quinn and Cooper’s love for each other shines through every look and word they share. It’s as if there’s no one else in this room with them. I’m so happy they found such a powerful love with each other.

The pastor tells Cooper he can kiss his bride, and he grabs Quinn’s face, pulling her into a heart-melting kiss as we all clap our hands and cheer.

Tucker leans in, pressing his nose into my temple. “I can’t wait for our turn,” he whispers, and I swear my knees go weak. I look up at him, the grin on his face making me smile right back.

“Me neither.” I’ve never felt so much love in one moment as I do right now. Between Quinn and Cooper sharing their day with us and the love of the man standing next to me, my heart has never been this full.

* * *

“You wanna dance,handsome, or sit this one out?” I ask Tucker. The reception is in full party mode now that all of the pomp and circumstance is over. Quinn and Cooper haven’t left the dance floor except to get more to drink, and we’ve all been dancing the night away.

“Let's do it,” he says, throwing back the rest of his soda and setting the glass on the table.

He grabs my hand and twirls me out onto the dance floor, making me laugh. I never would have guessed Tucker could dance. I mean, the man is the size of a tank, so you’d think he’d be awkward and clunky while he’s dancing, but he moves with the ease of someone half his size.

He has some serious rhythm, turning me on to the point it’s been hard not dragging him to an empty closet or something.

He leads me in a slow dance, and I love being pressed up against him like this.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asks me as we sway.

“Just thinking about how much I like being close to you like this.”

“It’s been torture watching you in this dress all night,” Tucker says and presses his hips into me so I can feel his growing erection. Biting my lip, I look into his dark eyes as lust and love melt and swirl together.

“Keep looking at me like that and I’ll be taking you in a closet somewhere,” he says, and I burst out laughing.

“I was thinking earlier your dance moves were such a turn-on I was having a hard time not finding a closet somewhere.”

Tucker groans into my ear and presses a hard kiss against my temple. “You are a siren, I swear.”

I just grin at him.

“How much longer do we need to be here?” he asks.

“If I had to guess, Cooper and Quinn will be making their exit any minute now. They haven’t let each other go since the reception started. I’m surprised they’re still here.”

“I mean, having your woman in your arms is pretty fucking fantastic, so I kind of get it.”

“Knowing Quinn, she’s not going to want to be around all of these people for too much longer. For more reasons than one.”
