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“Are you sure?”


“I love you, Sara. I’m in this with you. I know I suck at telling you how I feel, but just know, my old life doesn’t even come close to making me feel the same way you do. I don’t want to go back. Ever.”

Ben’s blue jean-colored eyes bore into mine, imploring me to believe him. And I do. I believe every word he’s saying. Letting my insecurities and petty jealousies get in the way of my happiness is asinine. I deserve to have all the love Ben is giving me, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to give that same love back to him.

“I love you, too, Ben.” I lean in to kiss him, hopefully conveying exactly how much he means to me. “Now, feed me this delicious-smelling food.



“They’re loud.”

“Okay.” I glance over at Sara as she twists her fingers together.

“And they’re going to interrogate you,” she continues.

“I’m prepared for that.”

“And Adam called you an idiot the other day after we had to endure Rebecca. I forgot to tell you.” Sara has been running through the list of why me attending her family dinner is a bad idea since we left for her parents’ house in Westlake.

“That’s fair. I was an idiot for dating her.”

It doesn’t seem to matter what I say. Sara keeps coming up with things she thinks are going to make me run screaming. I think she’s forgotten that I used to hang out with these guys, and while I know that doesn’t give me a pass to date their sister, it does give me some insight into what’s about to happen.

I remember how protective they were of her back then, and I know that hasn’t changed as they’ve gotten older.

“Yeah, you were. And they’re going to beat you up for it. They’re probably going to challenge you to a boxing match, and then there will be bloodshed, and Mom will be pissed they got blood on her carpet again, and the whole day will be ruined. We should just go home.”

I pull onto the Ellises’ street, parking the car next to their mailbox. “Sara, what’s going on right now? Why are you so freaked out?”

She swallows, then looks at me with wide eyes. “I’ve never brought a boy home before. Not even high school guys. My brothers always scared them away before I could even attempt to date anyone. You’re the first. Probably the only. I just don’t want you to run away.”

“I’m honored to be the first one, and I hope to God I’m the only. Everything will be fine. I’m a tough guy; I can handle your brothers because we all want the same thing. You to be happy. Do I make you happy?”

“Yeah, really happy.”

“Good, then let’s go inside.” I give her a swift kiss before I get out of the car and jog around to her side. Helping her out, we walk hand in hand to the front door. Sara walks right into the traditional house, the entryway opening immediately to the living room. The guys are gathered around the television, playing a video game, but they pause it when they hear us come into the room, moving toward the door.

“Hey, guys, you remember Ben Crawford, right?” Sara starts the introductions.

Adam’s the first to shake my hand. “Good to see you, man. Thanks for what you did for Sara.” He nods his head at me as I shake Matthew’s, Carter’s, and Nolan’s hands.

Before they can say anything else, Mrs. Ellis elbows her way through the group to pull me into a hug. The tiny woman only stands at my chest, and a moment of sheer awe floods through me when I realize she birthed four men the size of tanks.

“I’m so glad you guys are here,” she squeals, pushing Matthew and Nolan out of the way to pull me into the kitchen. I raise my eyebrows at Sara, unprepared for her mom to be my biggest concern.

“Tell me everything. How did you guys meet? How long have you been dating? Are you getting married? Sara, are you pregnant? God, that would be wonderful!”

“Mom! Jesus Christ, let the man breathe.” Sara leans in to extract her mother from my arm as a laugh tumbles from my mouth.

“We’ve been dating for a couple of months. Hopefully, one day, Sara will marry me, and I don’t think she’s pregnant, but you’d have to check with her.”

“I think I’m in love with him,” Cindy stage-whispers to Sara.

Sara rolls her eyes while fighting a grin.
